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My First Boat thread

We were running around the open water about mile up from the dam tonight. Ill have to ask around about where Aruba is. We love this lake. In NJ I Learned to boat on Barnegat Bay just over 19900 acres of water. Clarks hill / lake Thurmond is 77,000 acres! We're so blessed Being 7 miles away. If you're ever out this way, give a shout.
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I have never yet seen smooth water like we had tonight. It was a beautiful day to be on the water. Stopped by Ft. Gordon Rec area.


Im missing my bimini top which is being replaced under warranty, Just wish it were back already. I had to send mine in after taking photos. IN the meantime Im using an Old Navy Flag, Kind of appropriate no?


Kids had an awesome time being themselves

Nice Pics, Glad you found a boat. I sold mine 2 days after you decided you were going to wait to buy a boat.

I'm pretty sure your him at least...lol
Black Sx190?
Our tax return came in about a day after we told you we were out. I think you texted me that it was already sold. :banghead:

Your boat was a beauty. Hope the new place is even better though! If you're ever near Augusta, give me a shout!
We were running around the open water about mile up from the dam tonight. Ill have to ask around about where Aruba is. We love this lake. In NJ I Learned to boat on Barnegat Bay just over 19900 acres of water. Clarks hill / lake Thurmond is 75,000 acres! We're so blessed Being 8 minutes away. If you're ever out this way, give a shout.
Lake Thurman is HUGE. My first investment there would have to be a chart plotter. I go to Smith Lake pretty often (21,000 acres) and there are areas I haven't visited since I was a kid!
Although we've been towing the AR with our Ford Edge and having an easy time of it, we needed another vehicle and decided it should be a pickup truck. Ive loved the Rams since I first saw the "Big Rig" styling in 91-92. Late is better than never and I finally got my truck. We found this 2015 Lonestar Crewcab about 140 miles away, but it was worth the drive.

Ive had trucks before. My first "car" was a truck. Remember the Mazda B2000

That was replaced by my 1992 Ford Flareside.Ford1992.jpg

and then a string of SUVs. Im happy to be in a truck again, although all things considered, this think is more a luxury car than a truck.
Closed up the back of the truck with a flat no profile BAK Revolver X2



Then found a used BedRug on CL. After emptying about a quart of sand out of it, shampooing it twice, power washing it twice and vacuuming it three times, it came back like new. So happy with how clean it is.

Lots of room for coolers, boating supplies and best of all it locks up tight when the tailgate is locked.
@DBamaC ,
Thanks. First time I'm using anything like the bedrug, so I'll see how it does with things. I always plan on covering it with a tarp for messy stuff to help with cleanup. Fingers crossed.
Since its been raining, I decided to get to some things that have been laying around for a bit. I changed our the Bow roller for the Stoltz that came with the boat. It wasn't a perfect fit by any means, so I greased up the sides and tapped it in with a hammer. While I had some space there, I also put on the bow roller protector that came with my KeelGuard.

Of course since I opened the KeelGuard box to get the free bow roller protector, I figured I might as well put that on.... (By far the worst job I've had to do on the boat) I realize that I'm not as flexible as I once was...or as able to slip under things. It did get done and if it ever gets damaged I'm selling the boat, because there's no way in hell that thing is going to peel off the hull...

The 8 footer goes right to the flat spot on the bottom!

You have been awarded a trophy: 6 Month Anniversary 10:41 PM.

Wow... Just got this message tonight and thought to myself, "Self, has it only been 6 months since I stumbled into this place?" I mean it seems so much longer...

After looking back through some of the posts Ive followed and people I've had the opportunity to correspond with, I feel really lucky that I found this community for a hobby we really are falling in love with.

I decided I'd go look at my stats from the other site and found it interesting that my join date there was
Joined: Sun Jan 27, 2008 10:07 am Total posts:59

This is my 669th post in a mere 6 months. What a difference the "place" makes. Many thanks to all who Ive connected with through the forums.:)
@njmr2fan It's people like you that make this forum a place to be so we are all lucky to have you be part of this community. Congratz on your 6 month Anniversary! :winkingthumbsup"
I asked my wife if I can get a new Ram Ecodiesel and got shot down real fast... maybe because this was my third new Jeep in one year LoL!!!
Oh well, guess I gotta go look for different wheels to put on the Ram....you chose the ones I wanted! Is your wife blonde as well? What are those kids ages? We might be living parallel lives, shoot from 30 yards we could probably pass for brothers. LOL