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My First Boat thread

You have been awarded a trophy: Two Years Anniversary!
10:39 PM

Wow, 2 years... Time flies. Can't believe that we're heading into our 3rd summer of being boaters.
Feeling very blessed after a tremendous day on the lake with new friends and old. IMG957901.jpg This is why we bought a boat. Memories that will last lifetimes for our family and our friends.
Did some early morning garage boating (If you have to ask, dont...)
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Just a boy and his Seadek on a Sunday morning.
Have you experienced any sunburn on any of the seadek pads. I have experienced really bad sunburn on the #1 piece in the bow around the perimeter. Also on the #2 piece on the ski locker. I had alot of faith in seadek, but didn't realize that it is so sensitive to the glares of the sun
Have you experienced any sunburn on any of the seadek pads. I have experienced really bad sunburn on the #1 piece in the bow around the perimeter. Also on the #2 piece on the ski locker. I had alot of faith in seadek, but didn't realize that it is so sensitive to the glares of the sun
I have not, mine looks new. I do have some stains from Georgia clay that are slowly working themselves out, but aside from them, ours is holding up well. Reach out to Will @JetBoatPilot and maybe send him some pictures.
Yes we can warranty or help with getting it fixed.
Just reading through this thread. Wanting to get my first jet boat also. I have boys a little older than yours 15,12,9...do you feel your ar190 has the power needed for water sports? Or would you suggest a twin engine would be better?
@Moreyrd I think the power is fine. The space might be tight. When my boys 2 are a bit older I'd like to be in at least a 21 footer. I think sine you have 3 boys, and they may want to bring a friend or girlfriend at some point you would be better off buying a 21. Plus, you can always fit a wake wedge and get some ballast and have a better overall experience.