The navigation portion of my medallion system is not working right, or I have some serious user error going on. I had read over on the Chapparral forum of someone contacting Medallion because of a known issue with the navionics cards. ( ) I did that, and got a new card this week and tried it out yesterday. Same issues. I am going to talk to Medallion Monday, but thought I would start here, and see if anyone has any thoughts.
Problem- when I start the navigation screen, I get a very distant view showing Lake Michigan. Then with 1 zoom in, I get only a generic look at lake Michigan. With 1 more zoom in, my screen goes all white with only what I believe to be a boat icon showing.
I boat on a Chain of smaller lakes just west of Lake Michigan. In none of my views on the Medallion, do my lakes or any other details show up.
Pictures below show the initial wide view, then the 1 zoom view and finally the 1 more zoom white screen.
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Am I doing something wrong?