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Overspray while pulling a tube

I have had great success using the Thrust Vector Wake on a 2019 AR195. It effectively drops the jet spray to about 10’ in front of the tube at 20mph. I use a 60ft rope attached to the tower and the riders stay pretty dry. Sometimes my kids wear still goggles because they don’t want any water near their eyes, but none of the adults do.

I’ll also point out that the angle of the jet spray is highly affected by the attitude of the boat in the water. You could also try moving people around inside the boat to find what works for you.

Do you happen to wakeboard at all? I noticed how much it SUCKS between the wakes with a 70' rope due to all the jetwash, but Im not sure if the wake is still tall if I went to an 85' rope
Thats the rope Im currently using too. I see the JBP Thrust Vector is supposed to clean up the wakes a bit better but I dont know that it will do anything about the terrible washout in the middle of the wake. Its been very intimidating for new riders because they know either they need to set a hard edge to get across both wakes and risk wrecking as a result of that or being worried they arent going to make it to the other wake and land in the wash and wreck lol .
Do you happen to wakeboard at all? I noticed how much it SUCKS between the wakes with a 70' rope due to all the jetwash, but Im not sure if the wake is still tall if I went to an 85' rope

No, we don’t wakeboard right now. Mostly tube and knee board. The center of a jet wake is going to be rough compared to a prop boat, just the nature of the propulsion.
The longer the tow rope the less control. Boosters balls are added drag and inefficient. Simple fix. On board swim goggles. Problem solved. .
It’s nice and splash-free outside the center of the wake, so I do a little shake and bake and get the riders outside the spray. Works every time!
It’s nice and splash-free outside the center of the wake, so I do a little shake and bake and get the riders outside the spray. Works every time!
For my 6-year-old, anyway. The 12-year-olds (twins) are never inside the wake. My job is to throw them and I can’t do that if they are directly behind the boat.
I have had great success using the Thrust Vector Wake on a 2019 AR195. It effectively drops the jet spray to about 10’ in front of the tube at 20mph. I use a 60ft rope attached to the tower and the riders stay pretty dry. Sometimes my kids wear still goggles because they don’t want any water near their eyes, but none of the adults do.

I’ll also point out that the angle of the jet spray is highly affected by the attitude of the boat in the water. You could also try moving people around inside the boat to find what works for you.
We’ve been looking at those, believe that’s my next purchase. We’re going to extend our rope for now, guess we’ll see what happens.
Thanks everyone for the advice. This site is awesome.
Was just out with the tube tonight. I found a 60' rope with 2 bugee extensions hooked together worked well. Put the bungees on the boat end or they drag in the water and the knots throw spray at the tubers.

Here's the extensions I'm using:
This has worked great for us on our twin. 70' seems to be the minimum to be out of the spray. We still get a little if we're going upwind as the wind will carry the spray further but at least that's in my control. At that distance it takes a bit of work to get our Big Mable outside the wake but a faster tube is no problem.