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    free hit counter

Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

Chevy Owners  - X1.jpg
OPINION - x1.png
Too close to home, @MikeyL! My now-24 year old daughter did something similar - drew a "picture" for me when she was 2 years old... on the side of the car... with a rock!

She was SO proud of her artwork!
Sorry @msavold .... I am apologizing in advance ... but that makes me laugh. LOL !
REALLY funny. Sorry ............ It does "get better" as they get older.
Bacon-Less - X1.jpg
GRAY - x1.jpg
IT - x3.jpg
PA - x1.png
+                    A FAIR WIND - Lake Oconee - X1 - sm.jpg
Anticipation - X1.jpg
Boat hauling - X4 - sm.jpg
+ + CHECK UP ON YOU 1000 - X3.jpg
+ 1 Ignore Calls - X1.jpg
Pickins are getting slim, so I had to create my own. One of my favorite lines from FG.

Quiznos answer to Jared from Subway!FB_IMG_1442300029607.jpg
+ 1 POOP - X1.jpg