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    free hit counter

Post up your funny MEMES (Nothing Political Please)

As long as you continue using that redicules Gm Cck thingie next to you name, the "future" remains in grave doubt .......

"Jes sayin'
Exactly...War Eagle...(yes, even this year)
@Big Shasta ........ Me thinks your eagle LOST a LOT of feathers this year.

Damn I am funny !
++Morning Breath- -yy2.jpg
boat090109  -  yy2.jpg
+  +  ++  SHOCK COLLAR - X1 - sm.jpg
GOOFY - Words - X1 - sm.jpg
Hammers - X2 - yya sm.jpg
Quiet - yy2.jpg
1- Next Life.jpg
Making Sacrifices - X - yy2 sm.jpg
As long as you continue using that redicules Gm Cck thingie next to you name, the "future" remains in grave doubt .......

'Jes sayin'
Come on give me a break, at least this year the Georgia Bulldogs bet the Gamecock, so you can't be all that mad.
Reminds of the dwarf j*rk who derides up & down the sidelines. That's all. LOL !!!!!!!
1- wales - yy2.jpg
1- backhoe - yy2.jpg
GA - alabama - YY2.jpg