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Purchasing Starboard


Jetboaters Admiral
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Royal Oak, MI
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I was looking around the internet for some Starboard material, seems like prices vary greatly, a lot of places are out.

Looking for 3/4" stock. Probably at the minimum 12" x 24" to fabricate a trolling motor mount.

Is there a go to place to purchase this material from? Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
there are actually alot of people on ebay selling it in sub sheet sizes. keep in mind there are 2 types. regular starboard and the xl type. xl is cellular like azek or versatex. after cutting or routing it, the cuts will have the open pores and it tends to get dirty after awhile.
I was looking around the internet for some Starboard material, seems like prices vary greatly, a lot of places are out.

Looking for 3/4" stock. Probably at the minimum 12" x 24" to fabricate a trolling motor mount.

Is there a go to place to purchase this material from? Any suggestions would greatly be appreciated.
I’m really interested in your troll motor mount / thought process as you are working it through. My buddies are beating me up for fishing invites and thats not why I bought this style of boat. ? I’m hoping to find a solution.
I bought mine from a place in fl
Tomorrow I'll try to find their name,
PVC board at Home Depot, works great.
@adrianp89 i use that stuff all over the house. Specially where bottom trim boards come close to the ground. Wasn't sure if the starboard was better or stronger
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Today I removed the winter cover and started to cipher the install of the trolling motor. I was eyeballing this area here, circled in yellow, it flexes just a bit, I would think I would have to put a plate behind it. I can get my hand over there from the anchor locker, but the trolling motor in the up position looks like it would be over the seat so no good. If I move it over to the left some I would have to create a plate that extends, kind of like the Yamaha plate on the FSH. Or just mount the puck like @Eric Ballard did here.
(2) Trolling Motor Help Needed | JetBoaters.net - The World's Largest Jet Boat Forum!
Through bolting and backing plate may be the challenge, don't know how my hands would fit up in there. Of course this spot would be optimum sin the motor in the upright position would hang over the grab rail, and I could use a short bungee to secure it to the hand rail in rough water giving me some extra protection. Also it leaves the front of the bow cleaner. Not sure how the cover would handle it though.

The anchor locker may be a good compromise be the easiest to do and I could change my mind later or remove it if I sell the boat and just remove the screws, fill in holes with 5200 and put a fitted piece of seadek over it. @Evil Sports did it here
Trolling motor mount for Yamaha 195 series boats - Non Fishing | JetBoaters.net - The World's Largest Jet Boat Forum!
and it looks like on my boat if I put the puck at the correct angle then the trolling motor will extend out over the gunwale and hand rail great.

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For 3/4" Out of stock for at least 30 days it says.
@adrianp89 i use that stuff all over the house. Specially where bottom trim boards come close to the ground. Wasn't sure if the starboard was better or stronger

I use it to brace subwoofers in the boat, works pretty good.
For 3/4" Out of stock for at least 30 days it says.
Hmmm, I scrolled down to the white HDPE 3/4 32”x16” (I think) and it looked to be available. Takes a few weeks, but it seemed to be there. I’m just not sure if it’s the same thing or at least close enough?
@haknslash Thanks, thought I looked there before, apparently I missed it. Placing an order now, it is nice they do custom sizes so I can get smaller sheets close to what i need. Really appreciate it.
Huh... I Clicked on the button to finalize my order and their site went done, and hasn't been back up since. I think I broke it :oops:
Huh... I Clicked on the button to finalize my order and their site went done, and hasn't been back up since. I think I broke it :oops:
Well I guess I fixed the site because the link works for me.
Bizarre it won't load at all for me.

Can't reach it on our phones or my remote servers or anything located in Michigan that I can get to. Looks like Random DNS Failure
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Today I removed the winter cover and started to cipher the install of the trolling motor. I was eyeballing this area here, circled in yellow, it flexes just a bit, I would think I would have to put a plate behind it. I can get my hand over there from the anchor locker, but the trolling motor in the up position looks like it would be over the seat so no good. If I move it over to the left some I would have to create a plate that extends, kind of like the Yamaha plate on the FSH. Or just mount the puck like @Eric Ballard did here.
(2) Trolling Motor Help Needed | JetBoaters.net - The World's Largest Jet Boat Forum!
Through bolting and backing plate may be the challenge, don't know how my hands would fit up in there. Of course this spot would be optimum sin the motor in the upright position would hang over the grab rail, and I could use a short bungee to secure it to the hand rail in rough water giving me some extra protection. Also it leaves the front of the bow cleaner. Not sure how the cover would handle it though.

The anchor locker may be a good compromise be the easiest to do and I could change my mind later or remove it if I sell the boat and just remove the screws, fill in holes with 5200 and put a fitted piece of seadek over it. @Evil Sports did it here
Trolling motor mount for Yamaha 195 series boats - Non Fishing | JetBoaters.net - The World's Largest Jet Boat Forum!
and it looks like on my boat if I put the puck at the correct angle then the trolling motor will extend out over the gunwale and hand rail great.

View attachment 144860
You can't be serious....Tabs, and now a trolling motor? Somebody grab that man's drill !
Starboard came in today. Heavier than I thought it would be. I bought 2 @ 12" x 27" x .75". One black for around the helm and one white for trolling motor mount and a couple other things.

It's about to get real very soon!!!

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