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Ribbon removal - 2022 FX Cruiser HO


Jetboaters Lieutenant
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Salem, Oregon
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Anyone pulled the ribbon on a 2018 or newer Yamaha 1.8 - non-supercharged? I did it on my boat ('17 212X) and liked the results, but the 2018 and newer watercraft all have it housed in the intake manifold, so it is a pain to get to. Before I tackle it I want to find out if it is worth the effort? Thanks in advance!
Follow up to close out this thread - I ended up pulling the ribbon.

1 - It is not behind the intake manifold, just behind the throttle body mounting plate.
2 – I did not add a Riva spacer or anything, so my results may be different
3 – I did replace the OEM air box and engine breather with Worx kit

Result are awesome! Better out of the hole, top speed on a non SVHO 1.8L was 66 MPH with a full tank. Less than $200 for more fun.
I just pulled the ribbons out of my 2017 1.8 na motors but did not add the riva or r&d upgrade. Make sure you do NOT leave the oem rubber surround in place. It will get sucked into the engine without the upgrade and it will destroy the engine (another member has already experienced this).

My wife and I have NA Waverunners with the same engine (1.8L). My wife’s FXHO currently tools out at 60 mph and my gp 1800 maxes out at 66 mph. Both at sea level. What did you FXHO top out at before you removed the flame arrester? Hoping it’s the same so I can expect the same results in both Waverunners.

By the way I didn’t notice any performance gains when I removed the stock flame arresters from my 2010 1.8L engines or from my 1,052 cc or 998 cc MR1 Waverunner engines.
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Oh I pulled the rubber surround as well. Top speed before the ribbon/breather/airfilter mods was 61-62. We are right at sea level.
One thing I just thought of was last year I did install the Worx R.I.D.E. trim extension. $30ish bucks and well worth it.

Only other motor I've pulled ribbon on is our '17 212X and that made a heck of a difference.
Oh I pulled the rubber surround as well. Top speed before the ribbon/breather/airfilter mods was 61-62. We are right at sea level.
One thing I just thought of was last year I did install the Worx R.I.D.E. trim extension. $30ish bucks and well worth it.

Only other motor I've pulled ribbon on is our '17 212X and that made a heck of a difference.
Thanks, I will give pulling the ribbons from my Waverunners a try next time I change the oil/plugs. It’s not terribly difficult to do but still takes about an hour per engine

Please send a link to the ride plate extensions you mentioned earlier. The rides on both my Waverunners are very wet compared to my older fx models. I’ve read that this has a lot to do with the angle of the sponsons which were changed in 2022.
Thanks, I will give pulling the ribbons from my Waverunners a try next time I change the oil/plugs. It’s not terribly difficult to do but still takes about an hour per engine

Please send a link to the ride plate extensions you mentioned earlier. The rides on both my Waverunners are very wet compared to my older fx models. I’ve read that this has a lot to do with the angle of the sponsons which were changed in 2022.
Can u explain the ride extension? I’m interested
It just allows the trim to be able to push the nozzle higher than stock. Gives the ski just a little more lift for a smoother ride and higher top speed.
Mine doesn’t have adjustable tilt so it won’t work on my vx limited ho.

I have a 2016 VX Cruiser HO, a pump wedge was my first mod. It provides a slight angle for the pump and lifts the bow a bit.
What made the biggest difference for me was swapping out the ride plate to the 2019 GP plate. I stuck with OEM, the GP plate is slightly longer and allows for a slightly higher top end.

After that I went with the GP intake grate, which provides better hookup in rougher conditions or when ridding aggressively, although you lose 1-2 at the top end.

If I recall, it was less than $250 for both of the parts (OEM).
Follow up to close out this thread - I ended up pulling the ribbon.

1 - It is not behind the intake manifold, just behind the throttle body mounting plate.
2 – I did not add a Riva spacer or anything, so my results may be different
3 – I did replace the OEM air box and engine breather with Worx kit

Result are awesome! Better out of the hole, top speed on a non SVHO 1.8L was 66 MPH with a full tank. Less than $200 for more fun.
Hi! I understand this is an older post, but may I ask if it was the throttle body that you had to remove on this one and not the whole IM. Cause that will save me a lot of effort. Thanks!
Hi! I understand this is an older post, but may I ask if it was the throttle body that you had to remove on this one and not the whole IM. Cause that will save me a lot of effort. Thanks!
Yes - just the throttle body.