@Stuart Bicknell I'm sure you'll get it figured out, but if want to bring your boat over here you're welcome anytime. The software can be a little tricky. Here are some instructions from the other board. Others may have some more advice. BTW my boat is all put away for the winter too

Shrinkwraped it myself.
OK, I have installed the software and successfully connected and read the hours of my engines. Buck, I'll send the package back to you shortly. Here is the process from start to finish of what you need to do:
1) Install the software
2) Update the DB on the software (lauch the SW and press F1)
3) Locate your connection point on the engine. If you have a 2006 or less, it will be behind the cover plate in the rear starboard storage locker (yeah who would have thunk!). I am told on the newer models it is in the rear starboard part of your engine compartment. It will have one red wire on one side of the plug and 3 or 4 wires on the side you will plug into.
4) Plug in the YDS cable to your engine.
5) Start your engine
6) Turn on the water to your engine
7) Plug in the USB plug into your computer
7A) One time only step--you should get a "New Hardware" message...if the disk is still in the drive, it will find the drivers. If it is not, then browse to C:\Program Files\YDS\Driver
Launch the YDS software.
9) Hit Enter it should says something about communicating to the ECM. If it says it failed to communicate to the ECM, then either your driver didn't install or you aren't plugged in the proper sequence.
10) Hit enter and you should have a complete menu of items you can look at. For Engine hours click on "Data Logger" and then click on "Engine Operating Hours according to engine speed"
10a) If you wish to save the hours, click F2 to save the file (it saves as a .csv file or a "Comma Separated Value" file and an .xls file....in a nutshell....a file Excel can read, or most any data application like Notepad, wordpad etc.)
11) If you want to check out and see if you have had any engine "errors", click on the "Diagnosis", and then on "Diagnosis Record".
12) Shut off the water
13) Turn off the engine
Repeat for other engine.
There are lots of otherthings this software can do, but that is for another day. Here is what it read as an example for my engine hours:
Engine speed Time[h]
- 2000 r/min 30.67
2000 - 4000 r/min 53.97
4000 - 6000 r/min 7.4
6000 - 8000 r/min 27.82
8000 - 10000 r/min 11.2
10000 - 12000 r/min 0.99
Total hours of operation 132