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Serial number on 2021 255XD - each engine?


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I’m looking to purchase a 2021 Yamaha 255 Xd, the bank I’m financing with is asking for the serial number, does the boat haul have a separate serial number then the engine? And does each engine have its own serial number? Or is the haul and engines only have one? Thanks
I’m looking to purchase a 2021 Yamaha 255 Xd, the bank I’m financing with is asking for the serial number, does the boat haul have a separate serial number then the engine? And does each engine have its own serial number? Or is the haul and engines only have one? Thanks
The boat has a number, probably starting with YAM. And then each engine has a serial number as well. You should be able to get all three numbers from the seller.
In Michigan on the boat registration, it lists a "Hull ID" that starts with YAM. No mention is made of the two engine serial numbers.
I’m looking to purchase a 2021 Yamaha 255 Xd, the bank I’m financing with is asking for the serial number, does the boat haul have a separate serial number then the engine? And does each engine have its own serial number? Or is the haul and engines only have one? Thanks

did you ever find this? Im purchasing a 2021 255XD and my bank is asking for the engine serial numbers as well. The seller can’t find it and boat is 2.5 hours away so I can’t see it in person that easily.
Those numbers are only needed when a boat is sold without a motor and needs one to be added to make the boat complete.
You do not give the bank the engine numbers on a car/ truck and you do not give them on a jet ski. Tell the bank it is a in board motor boat and that they are idiots.​

My insurance company asked for my engine numbers. I bought used at a dealer but they were on the invoice or whatever doc it is.

@n33d45p33d maybe the guy you’re buying from has that paperwork and just hasn’t checked?