Just want to say that there are numerous types of fangs and mega fangs ,for a variety of applications.
As for my systems being compatible with lateral thrusters in the case above yes you can add lateral thrusters to a set of Magnum or super magnum AK steering or you can add A K fangs OR you can add mega fang plus systems but obviously you can not add lateral thrusters to the mega fang plus system like
@Liveto99 tried to do. If you are ever in doubt just ask I see a lot of information being posted by well meaning members but To be sure just ask me.
@Ronnie s case, I believe he has the early ultimate steering from a few years back with the original fangs I always look to make newer versions and the fangs he has were replaced with the current mega fang plus set quite some time ago actually.
As to his question about the fangs and fins being one piece.
Incorporating the fang as part of the fin was included in my last patent but I do not have any plans of offering them I like being able to add or subtract , the current design has more features and benefits . The only system with fangs built in is the Viper. Also I discontinued all the regular Ultimate systems and magnum systems , replacing those with the SUPER systems to add even more slow speed forward and reverse steering to the mix without adding any resistance at speed since the majority of this fin is located up out of the water when the boat is on plane simply because the boat sits higher on plane can't get any more reliable and predictable that that. As for the super fins I also made those available stand alone so any one with the smaller earlier fins can upgrade just the fins.
Super Steering Fins for Existing Cobra Jet Steering
As for the new nozzles in 2019 with a slight downward angle and a twin 45 degree angle I am hearing this is reducing the useable reverse direction and force of the thrust and since those boats are not compatible with my mega fang plus upgrade I do have A K fangs that mount on the outer fins of the Magnum and Super magnum ak-19 systems, these can be set at 2 different positions and the system fins can be set forward or rearward , changing this location will require the AK fangs to also be repositioned from one position to the other as well.
Now since the new nozzles shoot water to both sides at the same time creating a semi lateral and semi reverse force from both sides of each nozzle and since my A K fangs mount on only one side I am redirecting some of the outer thrust forward to help with the lack of reverse push caused by the redirection of the reverse thrust with those new nozzles.
I have some more tricks up my sleeve so stay tuned . To be announced remember it's off season and I don't need to rush things.
Also keep in mind the E series boats limit the reverse thrust where the regular boats can just give it more throttle.
Also remember the steering resistance canceling effect of the fangs incorporated into that patented system.
As far as the fangs being in the water all the time that is how they work to reduce the resistance in the steering any part forward of the pivot point of the nozzle making contact with the water cancels out resistance from the fins in the water behind the pivot point .
Interestingly I noticed even Yamaha has a similarly operating feature on their 19 foot models with the rudders.
I always make my contact information available so don't guess just ask