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Stern "beaching" setups

Here is my setup.
Box Anchor (best anchor on the market)
2 Slide Hammer Shore Spikes (large, comes with storage bag)
2 Danik Hooks (max 1/2" braided dock line)
2 - 25' x 1/2" Dock Lines (place shore spikes about 20' apart)
Oh, and I tie slalom ski floats to the end of the ropes to make them easy to retrieve with the boat hook when coming and going. Works like a charm.
Braided Anchor LIne.PNG Danik Hook.PNG Box Anchor.PNG Slide Anchor.PNG


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@AZ Native exact setup except I use the 8# Rocna Vulcan off the front & only 1 shore spike. I’m pretty sure that anchor latches onto Earth’s core
My favorite saltwater anchor Fortress FX7:

For the lake, I use standard lake/river anchor:

I carry both and when in saltwater, I bury the lake anchor on the beach and vice versa on the lake.

I hook front anchor while backing to beach and as I get in water I can stand, shut down and hook rear. I’ll admit it took me a few times to get this right and agree that you don’t want to suck up shells or gravel (or anything for that matter). Just make sure to get the front locked in and you can adjust easily. Otherwise you have to do it all again.

My favorite beach to “beach” by far:
I use one of those anchor bungee lines on the bow anchor. By adjusting the tension on the stern line you can keep the boat right where you want it, easy to move the boat in and out depending on what the kids are doing.

If we are going off on a walk I have been letting the boat out to deep water by moving the stern anchor. With the spike I’ll be able to adjust the line on shore or the boat.

When it’s time to go I pull the stern anchor, jump in the boat as the bungee pulls us to deep water. Wife starts the engines and I pull the anchor up...off we go drama free.

Stock anchor off the bow with Anchor Buddy (bungee cord) and Sand Spike buried in the beach off the stern. I can back in close to unload, and then the bungee pulls the boat back to deeper water (8 ft tides here). When it is time to depart, simply pull the boat in, and then crank up once you are back in deeper water.
Stock anchor off the bow with Anchor Buddy (bungee cord) and Sand Spike buried in the beach off the stern. I can back in close to unload, and then the bungee pulls the boat back to deeper water (8 ft tides here). When it is time to depart, simply pull the boat in, and then crank up once you are back in deeper water.

Interesting idea for the anchor buddy. We're also in a 7-8' tidal swing, so we end up moving the boat forward or backward a little a few times a day - bungee might alleviate that for us.
For those using shore spikes, do you hammer them in or just push with your hands? I am thinking about the spike from west marine for 40 bucks.

I use the spike off the stern and use the integrated hammer to put it in.

All depends on your bottom composition. Works like charm on most lakes due to thicker bottom sediment.
One place it did not work was Bimini. Sand was too loose to hold well. Needed double anchor for Bimini-

Like the spike because it is easy to stow.
(Though I do keep 2 anchors aboard as well. The 2nd is mostly for an emergency. The spike we use nearly every outing-
Solid advice on this thread about a subject we all experience on a regular.

Transom of the boat is by far one of the main reasons lots of us buy, so anchoring towards the stern is a must.

I think the shore spike is a must, using that along with a danik hook gives you easy solution bow or stern in, don't need to tie knots anymore.

I only boat in lakes so I use a box anchor as well and often times with enough line out can tie up another boat and not drift to bad, very solid anchor.

What I learned a couple years back is letting out enough line on the anchor will ensure you don't have as much movement. There were times in the past I was THAT guy who was always needing to monitor and adjust my anchor b/c it wasn't set right with enough line. Now, Im THAT guy who is able back stern in set it and forget it.

Tide, wind, and wakes have a big impact on how and where to find the best spot.
Shore Spike and Danik Hook should just come as standard equipment on these boats. Love mine. Danik hook is spendy for what it is (and sure you could just tie a knot), but its so easy - especially if you have to frequently adjust for tides.

I dont have any steering enhancements. I have wife up front spin boat around and as she drops it put into reverse and back into beach.

I need a spike, but I just use old ski rope and tie off to tree this past summer.

Always leave the back end about 3ft deep in case of boat coming close or waves in general on weekend at our lake.

I probably put out more line then needed but she stays in place.