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suggestions for 7 year old tubing

This is the one I picked up at the beginning of the season at Costco. It is a huge hit with my family. Even grandma rode. My 5 year old started going by himself and I was towing him at 15 and he gave the faster thumbs up. Everyone feels really safe in this tube. The lift assist base means no submarining which freaked out my son last year on the flat tube we have.

I think what i have learned from all this is I gotta dump my sams club membership in favor of a costco one real soon
I got a Chariot Warbird 2 a few weeks ago and have been pulling my almost 3 year old on it. It is really safe but he loves it. It has up tilted wings to the front and sides, so it is exceptionally difficult to submarine or flip (and I've tried at high speed with adults). The base is really thick so it takes out most of the impacts, and has a big half circle backrest and tons of hand holds for security. About the only concern would be knocking heads if a massive bump throws people sideways and nobody is holding on. It is basically like cruising along the water on a big couch.
I have the Big Brawler and recommend it for the fun and safety it provides, but with one hesitation... the bladder shifting is a true pain in the butt when inflating. Probably user error on my part, but I find inflating this tube is a 2 man operation.
I have an airhead mach 2. 7 and 9 year old are very excited still after a few outings.
One of the things we encountered when towing tubes from the low tow point was that the tube wanted to submarine and it would end up dumping kids in the water. This was at very slow speeds while taking off from a dead stop.