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Tachometer not available 2012 Yamaha 242.

I opened up rear of my gauge and found the problem. ordered a new one different year gauge an the software is different. now do I try an get software change on the gauge or maybe I can just unplug the rear circuit board and swap with new one?
They need to be matching sets.
so no one has ever changed out just one? or ended up repair one
so no one has ever changed out just one? or ended up repair one
If it was the same part number. I have not heard of anyone repairing them. Someone reached out to the manufacture a while back looking for the rubber buttons but that was all.
What is the number on the back of yours ? Here is an example of matching tachs.Tach.jpg
ok, i am goint to try and swap just the rear curcuit bord from the new gauge to the old gauge. i cant find any new or used gauges that will work.
What is the number on the back of your tach ?
the first two are the factory ones. the new one I got is the last pix.


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That second pic looks to be the speedometer. Front.jpgBack.jpgCan you return the new tach before you take it apart ? I have a feeling it won't work since that piece also has a specific part tag on it also.
yes i can return it, you have a few laying around? anything that will work? lol.
That back section came from a parts tach. You can try it and if it works I will give you a good deal on it.
i will send u a pm. thanks. and can up date everyone if this works.
swapped out the back circuit board and it worked, numbers were different but its all good to go, so i am sure the CPU is in the front section of the gauge. so no software issues with the swap. Thanks to a member on here who lent me a used board to try out. Will know for sure in summer,
As a follow-up to my prior comment you may want to try to contact Yuri..who is the owner of BestPixelRepair.com (he lives in the town over in NC) for a potential repair.

He did some work repairing an instrument cluster for me on a BMW...cleaning up oxidation from a leaking capacitor and creating new traces/jumpers, and resoldering new capacitors. I mentioned to him the challenges us as owners of older Yamaha Jetboats are having with some of our gauges. He said it may be interesting in trying to fix them. It may be worth calling him to discuss options...maybe repair is possible. Just a thought....good luck.