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Congrats on the new Z3 Detonate, you are gonna love surfing and wakeboarding behind that bad boy!!
Very nice. . . . .my favorite color actually.

Best of luck with it.
Congrats man! Looks nice!
Have you had that boat in the water yet? Bet you will this weekend! Congrats Jim and Christy!
Hey Congrats on the new ride!

They age well too, my son-in-law has one. It's yellow. That's all I'll say about that.:cool:
Awesome boat!! Good Luck with it and lets see some pictures on the water!
I'm sorry to pass on the news that Jim has come down with a severe case of Tigé flu and may be away from the computer for some time ;)
I am hoping to go visit him tomorrow during his initial treatment and make sure he is OK. I hope I don't catch it while I am visiting...:rolleyes:
Y'all have fun and be safe. Get some Go Pro shots while you're at it. Which lake?
I was exposed to this just last weekend and since I have come through ok so far I believe I should be in attendance also just to monitor others and of course make sure the system is operating to full potential.
I hate all these summertime sicknesses! :hungover:
Jim is outside working on the boat. Not sure what needs to be done on a brand new boat, but whatever it is, he's doing it. :happy:

We might go out this afternoon...tige flu...cough cough. And, we'll be out tomorrow at Grapevine Lake. Sydney has 2 volleyball games at 11 and noon so we'll be out after that. I wouldn't be surprised if Jim makes me meet him out there after her games.
I bet there is a lot to do on a new boat.... :winkingthumbsup"
@Detonate - I would love a complete photo walk thru
Well folks, the news ain't good. When a guy can surf ropeless, catch a beer that's been tossed to him from the boat, and then guzzle it down while still surfing, then I think he's hooked. I don't see his Tige flu recovery happening anytime soon...

And goofy footed at that! Nice job man!
Well folks, the news ain't good. When a guy can surf ropeless, catch a beer that's been tossed to him from the boat, and then guzzle it down while still surfing, then I think he's hooked. I don't see his Tige flu recovery happening anytime soon...

Must be a really severe case of that virus!
Hey @maboat are you gonna trade boats with @Detonate this weekend so we can all get a shot at surfing behind that bad boy?