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Towing jet boat behind house boat should you clamp-off water intake to protect engine ?


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It's not the ribbed hose. The correct hose is a smooth hose. It may show in your owners manual where it is, or there are a few threads here that show it.

You're looking for a Y-fitting in the engine compartment, and the majority of people seem to have a red hose leading into the Y-fitting. Your boat may be different, but it hasn't seemed like Yamaha has changed these items over at least a 6 year time period. That's off the top of my head, and it may be a longer time frame than that. It has been verified in threads here that it's at least 2018-2020, that I can recall
I'll take a look next time I am at the storage facility. I was aware of what I was looking for, but didn't see any portion that wasn't ribbed. It was the y-fitting that the red hose ran to. Thanks for the tip though. I'll check again.