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tube face spray

First be sure the tube is inflated hard use a hand pump to finish filling it until your hand bounces off the tube . next look for a bungee extension from air head this lengthens the rope and reduces shock to the passengers of the tube add the extension to the boat side of the rope or just make your own and use a white floating rope that is hollow braided so you can put on your own loops at the end . I did a post about all this not too long ago but since I am on my way to the water to go play without the rain I need to get going so do a search there are plenty of posts regarding 70 - 75 foot tow ropes and tube inflation etc. I also put pictures of the hand pumps very inexpensive by the way 15 to 20 dollars
I’d agree with @BigAbe75. We use a 60ft rope and a short bungee with a mega slice tube and spray doesn’t seem to be an issue. I’ve attached too both the lower point and the tower.
Thanks everyone! So I'm going to go w/ the bungee extension and a 60' rope (airhead 3 rider). I only plan to ever tow 2 kids but figured a little extra strength is a good idea.

For towables I'm leaning towards a Big Mable for the littler kids and a Super Screamer for the older kids and adults.
Been watching this with interest because i am forcing my kids to have fun lol by throwing them onto the tube. Seems it always ducks down into/under the water unless an adult rides middle and drags feet or,we tow from tower. Tower towing isn't gonna last long with my daredevil daughter that likes to be a bit more extreme.
As soon as i get to a planing speed, the spray is so bad we all just close our eyes and/or slide off. I am sure that the 2.5 degree wedges aren't helping in this regard so they may come out over winter.
I am contemplating dragging a fender back there to drop the wash.
The wedge is killing you, you will need super hard tubes and a really long rope or reverse the wedge LOL
I gather from reading the newer boats don't have nearly the spray issue as the older models. We didn't have any issues with spray using our 60 foot rope on our '17 242. We pulled from the tower. I will try from the low point and see if we issues this weekend.
Allow me shake this thread up a little bit, I will be buying a booster ball before next season but I can’t honestly say I won’t miss seeing my tube riders drilled in the face with a water at high speeds every once in a while. I know I’m not the only one because many of my guests on the boat laugh with me when it happens.

Case in point, sorry girls, The boys should have asked if the girls wanted to switch tubes with them but they didn’t.

F it, if chivalry is dead, the womens lib movement killed it.

I’m just kidding or maybe I’m not.

Here is another, in this one my son is taking the brunt of the spray, well my son and the girl sitting behind him as he tried to duck out of the spray. Also attached is what they looked like immediately afterwards. There, you see, I fixed it, equality.

I have to say after seeing these pics again I’m rethinking purchasing a booster ball. I haven’t been on a tube in years but I deserve to have some fun too. Right?
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I wonder about that wake deflector from @JetBoatPilot ? Or is the deflector part only gonna work with thrust vector wakes?
Why is everyone missing the obvious? We keep a bucket of swim goggles on the boat. In fact, at a half price sale for Speedo goggles a few years ago, I picked up like ten 3 packs pretty cheap. Of course, I haven't had to use them because I haven't been out on the boat in over a year, and the kids haven't been out in more than two years. But goggles (good pair like Speedo, not crap dollar store goggles) solves the problem of spray; I am surprised nobody has mentioned this yet. Back in the day when I enjoyed my Yamaha on a weekly basis, every regular tube ride in my wheel house had their own private pair of goggles. It is sad, but amazing at the same time, that some of these kids outgrow driving boat to flying a plane!

I should have seen it coming...10 years old having to sit on a throw cushion to barely see over the dash on the LS2000 and knowing nothing but full throttle, to enjoying sunsets at 19 years old from the sky, while teaching others how to fly through clouds! (And having to use a booster seat in her Diamond DA42 VI.) LOL scroll to 9.00 on this oldie....:"How fast can I go?" "As fast as you want!"

I wonder about that wake deflector from @JetBoatPilot ? Or is the deflector part only gonna work with thrust vector wakes?
The jetwash deflector works at surf speeds only. The boat planes out at about 15 mph and when it does it lifts the jetwash deflector out of the water. At tubing speeds it really cannot do much to help.

We've heard mixed reviews about the spray with Thrust Vector Wake installed. We tested with a variety of boats prior to launch. All of them tested well with no spray at speeds of 20,22 and 25 mph. We did not test with 23 footer or gen 1 and 2 21 footers. We're in the process now of compiling a database of customer feedback paired with boat year and model info. We hope to have that info early next month once the group buy closes out.
I wonder about that wake deflector from @JetBoatPilot ? Or is the deflector part only gonna work with thrust vector wakes?
I have the TVW's. The deflector that goes on the ladder is only for surf speeds because when not ballasted the ladder is far above the water line. The fins attached to the pumps do a GREAT job at deflecting the spray. I use a 60 ft rope while tubing and have not had any complaints of spray since installing the TVW's
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I have the TVW's. The deflector that goes on the ladder is only for surf speeds because when not ballasted the ladder is far above the water line. The fins attached to the pumps do a GREAT job at deflecting the spray. I use a 60 ft rope while tubing and have not had any complaints of spray since installing the TVW's
What year and model boat do you have?
Thank you! We'll put this in our spreadsheet. Good news!
Ok, so how do I combine ropes? I guess I should look for a youtube video on hitch knots...lol
I'd tie a loop into one end of the rope and then pass your tube rope extension through the loop and then pass the end of the extension through the factory loop. Then pull till secure. You may have to tie one more loop on the other end. This way you'd be able to take them apart when done.
Ok, so how do I combine ropes? I guess I should look for a youtube video on hitch knots...lol

Tow ropes all have a loop on the end. Loop each rope through the other ropes loop. This was the common way with pro ski ropes to add or remove length. Same goes for any rope you want to add length too.
Having a loop on each end of the rope so you can thread in through the loop on one rope and back through itself to extend the original rope is business as usual for tow ropes. If you have a tow rope without a loop or you cut one to make an extended section, you can add a loop easily. Here is a YouTube vid on how
Looks like I have same boat as you. My kids (and wife) say the spray from the jets (or rope) isn’t a problem on this boat. We have a typical 60’ rope and use primarily a 2 or 3 person style tube. This boat sits much lower in the water than my previous 2011, and as such the spray isn’t near as bad as it used to be.

I would advise giving it a try before purchasing extra goodies that may not be necessary.

Do you tow low or high?
Do you tow low or high?
Don’t start that conversation. There is obviously no rope spray when towing front he tower. And it has been highly debated if it is unsafe or the warning labels are just CYA by the mfg.

Do what you are comfortable with, knowing that there are very few documented failures towing from a “factory tower” as the tow weight is well below the tower rating as stated. But if you care to read through hundreds of heated posts, do a quick search.