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Wake Surf Shaper

Convergence system.......you will still have jet wash. Would be fun to try it on the boat though.

Yeah, this wake shaper won't do JACK without something to keep the jet wash down. . . . .
How do you think this would work on a scarab twin engine ?
Same as a Yamaha @bigE , without doing anything to the jet wash it will just be something that you put on the side of your boat. I would try the homemade version first if you did want to try though.
@jcyamaharider do you know anything that would help on my boat?
I wish I did. I have looked at the scarabs and the gate is too big too put a wake wedge on without drilling into the hull.
What about using this with the wake wedge?
It would be a boat full of contraptions :-)
What about using this with the wake wedge?
It would be a boat full of contraptions :)

This is something that I wonder myself. But I just can't find myself dropping the dough on something else just to find out that it doesn't just to find out that it doesn't work. If I was sent one to test I would love to put it on my boat and see and give you guys the results.
Deliberately taking on water inside your hull always seemed counter intuitive of the expectations for a nautical vessel...I dunno, call me crazy ;)

Haha! First time my brother was around and I filled up the ballasts, he says "so now we deliberately try to sink the boat!"
After I absorbed what he said - we got a good laugh.
So after some time I have one of these on the way and I am going to test at Table rock lake next week!!
Yeah, this wake shaper won't do JACK without something to keep the jet wash down. . . . .

And we all know what happens when you mess with jet wash...

Jet Wash.jpg
Check my ronix 8.3 post