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Wake Wedge Still being sold?

So who Is selling the OG wedge and upgrading to universal? I might be a buyer :)
@jcyamaharider will there still be issues using thrust vectors with the new universal side wedge and a 212x? I would assume so but I thought I would ask.


Well, I don't really know. I did move the attachment point up.
Will this fit a 2012 AR240?
The universal wedge or the one that John wants to sell @kent426 ?
We are 2 weeks out right now. It is the busy time of the year and I am barley treading water right now. Best thing to do is to email me at wakewedge@charter.net and get put on the list.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
We are 2 weeks out right now. It is the busy time of the year and I am barley treading water right now. Best thing to do is to email me at wakewedge@charter.net and get put on the list.

Thanks and sorry for the inconvenience.
What exactly do these wedges do? What are they for?
What exactly do these wedges do? What are they for?

The wedge is designed to straight line surf behind a Yamaha boat. It cleans up the wave by redirecting jet wash. You will need ballast of course unless you have a 19 footer you don't need the wedge, just ballast
The wedge is designed to straight line surf behind a Yamaha boat. It cleans up the wave by redirecting jet wash. You will need ballast of course unless you have a 19 footer you don't need the wedge, just ballast
I have a 2018 212x . It has stock ballast . Is
That sufficient enough to just
Add the wedge ?
I have a 2018 212x . It has stock ballast . Is
That sufficient enough to just
Add the wedge ?
Simply put......no