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Wakebooster on 2005 Sx230

Ed Bourne

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I keep getting told the wakebooster will not work on a 2005 SX230. Does anyone know why? Also could one be built or modified that would work. Plus is it only effective with ballast.?

It doesn't work because the transom is different on the older models and the tie down eye is in a different location.

You could build one yourself, the concept is not difficult, I'm not sure if you could modify one,

It works without ballast but works better with ballast

It doesn't work because the transom is different on the older models and the tie down eye is in a different location.

You could build one yourself, the concept is not difficult, I'm not sure if you could modify one,

It works without ballast but works better with ballast

Thanks Scott. That’s what I was looking for. So without looking at boat might be easier to add or move the tie down rings. Just a thought. What do you think?
supposedly the transom area is different (maybe "stepped" or different levels) so a Yamaha original booster wouldn't work without modifications to overcome that as well as the attachment point,

it may be easier just to try to build one yourself from scratch but that requires time/testing, If you're that kind of guy we would all love to see what you come up with because we all would benefit from it, I think we had two members build them recently, one with PVC pipe and another out of metal,

If not, it's probably easier just to buy a wedge and forget about it, you'll be surfing the day you receive it, it's a proven commodity,
