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Wakefoil discussion

Total Newbie question.... My 2020 slingshot WT2 is convertible from wakesurf to wakefoil. It has a slot for two fins (not four). Can I just leave the fins in? Would it hurt my wake foil abilities/experience to have those outside fins in? They'd only make contact before lift off.
We can surf ours also, but it isn't a great wake surf board. We have our slingshot Cobra cat XR for that ( and many others...lol)
Total Newbie question.... My 2020 slingshot WT2 is convertible from wakesurf to wakefoil. It has a slot for two fins (not four). Can I just leave the fins in? Would it hurt my wake foil abilities/experience to have those outside fins in? They'd only make contact before lift off.
I’ve got the same board and I’ve never tried it without the foil since I have no ballast. The fins just sit in my glove box.
Like you said they’re out of the water right away so it probably doesn’t matter what you do with them.
Total Newbie question.... My 2020 slingshot WT2 is convertible from wakesurf to wakefoil. It has a slot for two fins (not four). Can I just leave the fins in? Would it hurt my wake foil abilities/experience to have those outside fins in? They'd only make contact before lift off.
I agree it won't make much difference if they're in our out. However, the FCSII fins just snap in and out with no set screws required so it's no chore to remove or install them. The hard part is remembering where you put them.
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I am having troubles with my foil weighing more and my rack likes to swivel forward in the tower through the day. Anyone else having this problem and has anyone else solved it?
Starts the day like the first pics and ends like the second....20210516_094247.jpg20210516_094238.jpg