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Wakesurf board, thinking of upgrading, currently have inland surfer red rock looking for suggestions

I have a red rocket and I weigh in at 225. I go ropeless behind my 230 with no problems.
Consider boards from some of the "custom" board makers. I have a Doomswell Drone and a buddy had a Doomswell Neo. Both are awesome boards. Soulcraft, Lakewakes, The Walker Project and others make amazing boards as well. Way more lively than the Liquid Force Fish and the Hyperlite Landlock we learned on. Skimboards are very fun, too. If you pose your question on wakeworld.com or any of the wakeboat brand specific forums, you'll get lots of recommendations.
Thanks! Actually, a couple days ago I ordered a Chaos Ringer XXL. Can’t wait to get it. I’ve been checking my email every couple hours hoping for the shipping notice. :D