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What is your ballast setup

@Yamaha242lsdallas I've got two 400# bags and one 750# bag if you want to borrow to try to figure out your set up, just pm me

also, update your profile with your location so we know where your at and it will automatically put you on the member map,
@Yamaha242lsdallas I've got two 400# bags and one 750# bag if you want to borrow to try to figure out your set up, just pm me

also, update your profile with your location so we know where your at and it will automatically put you on the member map,

That's kind of you! I just updated my location.
I'm feeling more and more discouraged about getting my 242 LS set up for ropeless wakesurfing looking at the amount of ballast everyone is using, especially for a heaver surfer (220+). My plan was to get two 900# bags, one for the locker (probably only fill to about 700#) and one for across the back outer seat shoved to the port side for normal stance surfing.

I don't have a wake wedge (yet) but even w/out it I was hoping to be able to straight line surf using a Fish 5.6.

Any thought on this setup? Anyone with a 242 able to ropeless surf without a crazy amount of ballast (like 2500 - 3000#) ? Id imagine I'd be pushing 6000+ RPM's with the setup i'm talking about as it is.

Sorry if I muddied up this thread, If I need to delete it and start a new one I will.
I actually think this 2 bag setup will work really good. If you wanted more I would suggest taking weight out of the locker and put a 400 bag on the port swim deck.
So I only have 1600# of ballast and we've gotten close to going ropeless straight line, but that was with another 8 people in the boat (but no one on the transom, already gotten my warnings for that). I found that it was less having a ton of ballast and weight, but more having the right balance of weight, rider and board. For example, we had all 1600# full and 7 people port aft in the boat and we threw a huge wake that wasn't surfable. Take 3 of those people and put one center bow, and then 1 each port and stbd bow which elongated the wake by about 5 feet and it mad a nice wake. I will say that once I started doing a port side turn, my stbd wake became much more crisp. I'm pretty sure that if I took that same config, and then added a wedge, it would be a non-issue going ropeless.
Actually adding the wedge will make you throw everything that you learned about getting a good wave behind a Yamaha out the window. For the best wave possible rear weight and to surf side. This is the reason I am repositioning all of my internal bags this winter.
Actually adding the wedge will make you throw everything that you learned about getting a good wave behind a Yamaha out the window. For the best wave possible rear weight and to surf side. This is the reason I am repositioning all of my internal bags this winter.

If I go this route, I guess I'll get an extra high velocity pump with a manual fill hose and install it in parallel with my other bags so that I can weigh my swim platform down. That definitely changes things as I was thinking of putting a lot of weight up in the bow. In your experience, with the wedge does the bow need weight to lengthen the wave?
No, rocknracing had 600 pounds in his locker and the rest was rear weight. The wake was huge!!!! When you are already off the back of the boat the whole length of the rope I don't think you need to be back anymore then that, but if you do then yes add some front weight.
Also you can use a bigger board to go ropeless. One with more volume closer in design to a real surfboard. Cam.
Well for a 192 I have been told a single 750 surf side is all that is needed. I have looked at several brands and found one that will fit under the pass side seat if I relicate the battery back in the cubby area which I am doing. Eventually I want to plumb it in but not until I have it figured out. If anyone has any knowledge of what it takes for a 192 to surf rope less I am all ears.
My ballast for the 192 has been ordered :) Thanks to @jcyamaharider for ALL of your help. Jerry has answered SO many questions in private message. I decided on this package deal for a few reasons (hopefully it works and I can help other 190 series guys out)

1. There is a post here showing an SX190 with a 750# FatSac across the back of the boat to surf side. They said wake was great and were straight line surfing.
2. The freeboard isn't as tall in the 190 boats and the 400# bags are a little shorter and overall just smaller. I'm hoping this is ideal for the smaller boat.
3. The L shape that can be formed is IDEAL for wake surfing from what I have read.
4. IF we want to wakeboard, I can put a bag on each side.
5. The pump in this package deal is supposed to be the best out right now.
6. It was about the same cost as one 750# bag but gives me 50# more OR I can run a single setup if there is a lot of human ballast with us ;)
7. WakeMakers has a 10% off coupon for us Yamaha guys.

I'm sure I forgot a reason or two, but I am hoping this gives a nice little wake to surf on. Worst case scenario is I have to sell them.

Here is the Sx190 Thread I was referring to...

Here is the package I ordered.
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@CFD3Captain Nice on the order. Can you share what and why you decided to go with the twin set up? Thanks for sharing the other link, I posted a question there but am trying to determine if the ballast needs to be in the corner like his photo or if it can go on the side. I really want to eventually plump in the bag. If it works well I would do one on the driver side but smaller since the driver weight is always there and figure I could fill them on a timed count for wake boarding. Right now my biggest goal is surfing rope-less. If it has to be in the corner then I will live with just a single 750, bring it out when needed and put it away when not. I wish I had the spare cash to get in on the PP buy but that will have to wait regardless but who knows if I come into a little extra funds this year...
Read the items I listed. Says why I choose two bags over one :)
My bad, on that, I got why you ordered the two but do you know if they have to be on the corner across the stern in the corner or can they be on one side. I do like your thinking for the duals and I may follow suit as that could be easily plumbed in with quick side connects to tie the bags together if they can go on the side. I also wonder for wake boarding if a center bag would be needed, if it would push the wave back?
Sorry, I have no desire to plumb them in or even put them in lockers. They will set on the seats when in use. If that makes sense. I have no idea about a center bag for wakeboarding. This is all new to me and I'm taking a shot in the dark that my setup will work :nailbiting:
This setup will work no problem! My only regret is not being able to see your reaction the first time out. Lol
This setup will work no problem! My only regret is not being able to see your reaction the first time out. Lol
HA! I just bought a GoPro remember? I will MAKE SURE it's recording my first time out with the ballast :)