That was more of an offer to our friend in Texas that stated he doesn't believe in anti-freeze
Actually I thought about storing my boat offsite this winter to free up the driveway. Maybe
@Betik will be making a trip to MN?
I'm not an engineer or mechanic, I'm barely a shade tree. I only know my experience and what other members have shared over the 10 years with these boats.
Do Yamaha engines need anti-freeze ?
How cold does it have to be to freeze and cause a problem?
in 10 years I don't ever remember a member coming on here stating, my block froze and cracked over the winter.
In Dallas, we get a few days and every other year a week of below freezing temps for 24hr periods. It's cold enough that my neighbor who didn't winterize his prop boat cracked the block.
members that don't anti-freeze, store their boat outside and have several seasons of experience that I can think of off-hand,
Vermont - Zipper
MA - Evil Sport
Kamloops - KXcam22
Do you need colder experiences than those?
maybe we're just lucky that we don't hear the yearly spring threads "my engine froze and cracked"
We're told the engines are "self-draining" or at the least under no pressure, I'm not sure of the science of an running engine remove water from cooling passages in the block if there's no pressure of inbound cooling to push it anywhere, (this is where I could believe if you hooked up a air hose to the cooling line to "blow" the block dry theory),
The exhaust and water boxes, I can understand how running the engine the exhaust pressure can blow some of the exhaust cooling lines clear but you can't blow all the water out of the water boxes. My boat has sat in +100 degree temps for weeks and for months over the winter and when I start the boat I still get water spitting out the exhaust, The theory is that the water boxes are cylindrical so if/when that water does freeze it isn't bound by sharp angles and simply expands upwards,
As far as dealers and other companies selling products or this service - personally I view this as "the sky is falling", protect yourself and help us make a profit, it's marketing. I trust those three members above more than someone looking to get into my wallet.
If you do choose to antifreeze I would strongly suggest adding tow valves aft of the cooling line "Y" fitting to prevent gravity simply running the antifreeze back out the jet nozzle intake
If you haven't yet be sure to view "how the cooling water flows" in our FAQ