Wrong. I had zero pre conceived notions, and never driven a boat in my life before. From the factory it just doesn’t drive as well as it could.
So how did you find out about the fins? Just stumble across them in a store? Read about them online in any number of threads about how they make driving a jet so much better and investigate further? If you had no preconceived notions then you would've been just fine with the way it drove, as you would have had nothing to compare it to. This isn't how it went down. You had no preconceived notions about boats, but you did have preconceived notions about things with seats and steering wheels. Instead you went looking for something to make it better, or more appropriately "less like it is, and more like something else". You sat down in a seat, and drove something with a steering wheel and compared it to other things with steering wheels, and it didn't behave like what you had experienced previously with things with steering wheels, so you went out to find out how you could make it behave more like other things with steering wheels. It's not about boats, it's about user interface, and expected results from inputs given. You did have preconceived notions and experiences, and they didn't align. That's OK. Nothing wrong with that, but to deny it is to not see the reality of the situation.
I have driven Yamaha boats both with and without the fins. IMO, they are an extraneous accessory that solves a problem I don't have. If you didn't like the way the boat drove, and the fins helped with that, great. I'm glad there is a product for you that helped make it better. For me, I don't want something else attached to the bottom of my drive for me to kick, that solves a non-existing problem. I also think they look like a terrible afterthought hanging off the nozzle when on the trailer.
There is also a widely accepted premise that a new owner should put fins on from the very beginning of ownership and never look back. This smacks of inexperience, and misconceptions to me, and I hate that new owners and potential new owners are dissuaded away from jet propulsion by these misconceptions. How many of us have been at a dock, fuel station, or elsewhere and had a conversation with someone else about their boat? How many of those were started with "I really liked the layout, but I heard jets were impossible to drive so I went looked elsewhere"? How many new posts do we have on this board alone start with "I really like the jets, but I'm really worried they are hard to drive"? We're not doing ourselves any favors by telling everyone they must have fins to enjoy the experience. Perhaps this is a "dumb crusade" on my part, or perhaps I'm so far in the minority here that I'm really the oddball here (which is most likely the case), but it's an agitation I have with the community in whole.........
Although honestly, if this is the biggest disagreement we have, I think we're still doing better than most communities