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Yamaha wake booster missing pin


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Hi Guys,

I have the Yamaha wake booster and last weekend I lost the pin that holds the unit to the boat. I can't find a replacement anywhere, I was wondering if this has happened to anyone else or does anyone know where I can find one.

see pic for details on the missing piece

thank you


  • Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 11.28.19 AM.png
    Screen Shot 2020-07-08 at 11.28.19 AM.png
    983.3 KB · Views: 12
Thanks for the speedy response FinsUP, I actually saw this already and still had no luck with that part number, Those pictures of the pin measurements are very useful though because my last effort will be paying a fabricator to make one.. I still think this might be a cheaper option than buying a whole new unit. THANK YOU :)
I phoned my local shop and provided the part number. They informed me that it's part of an "attachment kit" that sells for $248. I'm not sure what all comes with the kit. The only good news is that the Yamaha warehouse in Atlanta has a lot on hand. But at that price, for just the attachment kit, I could understand why.
One more piece of information for anyone else who ends up searching for this. The WakeBooster is different for 21' and 24' boats.
The part number for the 'attachment kit' for 21' boats is F3R-F84AB-V0-00. For 24' boats the part number is F3F-F84AB-V0-00.
How did you lose it?! I was under the impression that those metal cables keep everything together pretty good - did the cable snap? I'll have to look at adding a secondary cable maybe...
I'm curious too. Worried I need to reinforce something as a preventative measure.