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Zup Do More v You Got This board?

Here's a buddy of mine riding our this past weekend. He and my wife road the board for our first time. The water was too cold for me 64 degrees. (I know I'm a wimp) But they had a lot of fun, and we had somewhat choppy water that day
The Zup Board is great. I've never stood up behind a boat, but did successfully on my 2nd try. My wife also did a few times as well. My 10 year old likes it and even stood up, but then bit the water pretty good and decided he'd had enough for 1 day. LOL!
My 11 year old loves the u got this 2 board. But he rubbed the skin off elbows and knees, so keep an eye on kids mine must have road for over an hr
Have not got mine in the water yet but noticed on my job omnia board a standard sized handle won't fit between the hand rails. I bought a zup handle and rope for the zup but may want another for the jobe.
Got the Jobe Stimmel today. Can't wait for the weekend!


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Picked up the Zup You Got This 2.0. I was leaning more toward the Jobe Omnia but didn't want the added cost yet and the Zup I thought may be better for the younger kiddos. If we don't like it we will just sell it at the end of the year. It is ginormous so since I don't have a tower, I may need to get a padded bag to strapped in down in the back. IMG_1029.JPGIMG_1030.JPGIMG_1027.JPG
Interestingly jobe had to license the tech from sup to develop the omnia , I noticed this on a decal the last time I took the Omnia out.

I had a hell of time standing on the Omnia and think the foot holds are too close the the front of the board. The original zup/you got this is bigger and thicker so I think it will be more stable as well but I have not used it yet. It won't fit in my ski locker but the Omnia does.

Zup offers a zippered bag for the board which has a handle on the side as well as backpack straps that you may want to consider purchasing.
My zup board had a few scratches during shipping. They assured me it was purely cosmetic and would come out with a little steeel wool. But, they also sold me the bag at half off because of it.
I was going to look and find a bag for it instead of paying their premium but it would probably be less hassle to just go ahead and get it. They claim they redesigned the 2.0 board to fit tower racks. I can't test that since I made that mistake. My only regret in getting an SX instead of the AR.
@REM835 , I would not feel bad about buying an SX instead of an ar . When I look at my tower all I see are more things I have purchased or now want to, all of which are relatively easy to steal (e.g. A good/cheap wakeboard rack is $300 easy and is often only held in place by Allen bolts). Besides, I'd bet the Bimini on an SX is a lot bigger than the one on an ar.
Thankfully, I got my board up on the tower rack now. My dealer swapped out a factory rack for a Monster Tower knee board rack that'll also hold my Zup board.


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We have used both boards on several occasions this season and most people gravitate Towards the original 'you got this' model. It's clearly my wife's favorite towable as she told me to get rid of the her wakeboard to make room for the ZUP (ended up giving the used for a handful of times wakeboard to a friend). With few exceptions most riders, even the complete newbies, easily got on their knees and their feet on the first try.

The Omnia may get more use next season as riders want something more responsive and challenging. I still like it because it fits in the ski locker unlike the ZUP. Plus it costs too much (more than the ZUP, handle and carrying bag combined) for me to sell it at a big loss after just one season. If I could do it over I wouldn't buy the Omnia or the 'do more' version off the ZUP because they just allow you to do more of the traditional wake sports a little easier. For those that like riding on their knees I keep a standard knee board and for those that can get into the wakeboard stance on a ZUP I keep a wakeboard. We also have a set of skis but no one ever wants to use them so they decorate the garage 24x7x365.

I didn't think much of the dual bar handle until we tried to use the ZUP and Omnia without it. The handle is perfectly sized to fit between the ZUP and Omnia hand rails and the second bar comes in handy in that the rider doesn't have to reach as far or be concerned with pinching their hands or fingers between the handle and hook of the board.

For us the best mounting point is the lower point, mounting off of the tower resulted in a lot more porpoising (sp?) for my riders when using the ZUP handle.

Here are a few pics of my family on the ZUP board. By the way it also makes a great platform for my wife to take our dog to shore with.
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We've used our Zup 'You Got This' Board as a surfboard as well. Only my 90Lb son can surf behind the boat. My wife tried it several times with no success. I think it's the boat's fault because the wave isn't large enough to do what the boat's advertised to do.
Thankfully, I got my board up on the tower rack now. My dealer swapped out a factory rack for a Monster Tower knee board rack that'll also hold my Zup board.

@GoVols01 is that a special tower rack? Or, would any kneeboard or knee/wake combo rack fit?
@GoVols01 is that a special tower rack? Or, would any kneeboard or knee/wake combo rack fit?
It's a monster tower knee board rack. It's possible that any knee board rack would work though. My dealer swapped out one of my factory wakeboard racks for it, so I don't know much more than that. Only bad thing is, it doesn't swivel or fold for storage - must be removed. For me, this is fine since it won't clear the garage height when attached to the tower anyway. When trailering, I must remove it and put it in the back of the Pathfinder or leave it in the floor of the boat.
Got my 10yr old daughter on the Zup You Got This version 2 board a few times this week. It's her new favorite. First time on anything other than a tube.

She's been up to her knees and approached the wake on either side, but hasn't tried standing yet. Wife was standing on it, first time out.

@Julian you mentioned bringing your ski trainer to Shelbyville. I don't think that's going to be necessary. I think this board will serve close enough for that function. Thanks!

We just bought the ZUP you got this 2.0 board with the handle for our boys for Christmas. Cant wait to get it out on the water.


ZUP has a 24 hour Cyber Monday Sale, free shipping, 15% off entire order, free multi-carry ZUP board bag.
We got every thing for 313.00

So know I need to find a steal on a knee board rack
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We just bought the ZUP you got this 2.0 board with the handle for our boys for Christmas. Cant wait to get it out on the water.


ZUP has a 24 hour Cyber Monday Sale, free shipping, 15% off entire order, free multi-carry ZUP board bag.
We got every thing for 313.00

So know I need to find a steal on a knee board rack
@Ronnie, @mattschepker Thanks for the tip! Got in on this deal. I chatted with Nick--great guy, great company. I told him about this forum, he is open to a group buy if there is interest.
The kids will be so happy come Christmas morning!

Anyone know if the ZUP board will fit in a Surf rack? Sounds like it won't on a reg. rack (for wake boards), but will on a knee board sized one. Just wondering if the double surf rack I have will work.
@RightStuff , keep in mind that there are at least three different boards now offered by zup, two versions of the "you got this" and one of the "do more" and im almost positive that the do more is thinner than the you got this version.

Fyi the 1st gen you got this will not fit into the ski locker on my 2010 242 ls but maybe the 2nd gen would.