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ICW from Malabar to Ft. Pierce


Jetboaters Admiral
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Myrtle Beach, SC
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Cindy is very interested in doing the great loop but she is a little cool tip the idea of making parts of the trip on a ski, however I'm good. Maybe Cindy can drive our boat and haul extra fuel so we can ride the longer runs.
Yeah that would defeat the purpose as the only parts I would do on the ski are some of the easy stretches. On a ski I could easily cover 200-300 miles in a day which means I could do a few quick Saturday runs to get some miles behind me. I still plan to try and cover all of NC, SC and GA down to Jacksonville FL this year but my schedule just sucks as I can only travel on The water on Saturdays with out taking time off work. I think it will likely take me 5-7 Saturday's this year to clear that on the boat but on a ski I could probably do it in 4 if I pushed hard. On a ski I think I could clear NC in two days and I'm pretty confident I could clear SC and Ga in two days.