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Search results

  1. Colin W

    Need help with anchor

    It’s a very weird natural lake that has drop Offs and stuff, there are private docks and lake houses on most of the shallow spots.
  2. Colin W

    Need help with anchor

    Hard to say, the lake I normally boat at is 50-60 ft, I would assume it’s mud but cant say for sure
  3. Colin W

    Need help with anchor

    Looking to buy an anchor for by glastron GT187. Looking for suggestions or info. This is our first boat
  4. Colin W

    Boat cover

    The more I see how much these covers cost, the blue tarp is looking like a great option
  5. Colin W

    Boat cover

    Mine doesn't have a tower but that is a lot of money for a cover, many other things I can spend $800 on
  6. Colin W

    Boat cover

    Oh that is coming in the future too
  7. Colin W

    Boat cover

    I have a glastron gt 187, I'm wondering if anyone has purchased a boat cover that is one piece, the bow and cockpit cover is nice but the water leaks at the zipper. Also in my driveway there is a tree that constantly covers the nice looking cover is spinners and leaves.
  8. Colin W

    Marine Mat

    Where did you get that? And how much was it if you don't mind me asking?
  9. Colin W

    Glastron 2014 gt 187 getting ready for summer

    Bringing it home from the garage it's stored in hopefully today, once it's cleaned up I'll post some pics...and I definitely agree we need more glastrons on this site
  10. Colin W

    Glastron 2014 gt 187 getting ready for summer

    This picture was from when I brought it home last year, the numbers are on there now
  11. Colin W

    Glastron 2014 gt 187 getting ready for summer

    First spring I will be getting the boat out of storage, what kind of things need to be done before it goes in the water? Also any input on how to start the jet motor in the driveway would be greatly appreciated
  12. Colin W

    SWAG Jetboaters.net Koozie's available SOLD OUT...

    I just ordered JetBoaters.net Koozies! This post was automatically inserted to keep track of the order. You can order yours at http://jetboaters.net/forms/jetboaters-net-koozie-order-form.1/respond
  13. Colin W

    SWAG Jetboaters.net LOGO Sticker Sale

    Email sent
  14. Colin W

    Glastron GTS 187 Questions

    I bought a GT 187 last year, first boat for my wife and I and we absolutely love it. Fairly smooth ride and handles waves pretty well. It is a little loud but I don't think it's terrible.