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  1. S

    AR230 - Taking on water

    Hello everyone – I have a 2008 AR 230. My bilge pump works but once I engage the engines water starts entering the engine compartment very quick. When I put the boat in the water I do not see any significant water infiltration. Does anyone have any ideas of why water may be coming into the...
  2. Julian

    How to avoid clogging your engine with sand

    Thanks to @JetBoatPilot for recording the video below! So the sales guy sold you your jet boat saying you can run it in 18 inches of water. So you sat at the sand bar and did just that and now have an overheat warning? Yes, jet boats can run in skinny water, but you must remember that they...
  3. Peter simon

    Questions about water accumulation

    So i had my 2019 SX190 out for the first time today. I had taken it for a test drive with the dealer but of course when you test drive you dont notice many things. At idle speed, like 1500 rpm while going through no wake zones, etc, it appeared the front of the boat was sitting pretty low...
  4. Craigz

    Vibration and excess water

    Hi everyone, I've noticed that when flushing the engines on my boat it makes a loud vibration sound that seems excessive. It doesn't make any odd noises unload load of being in water but under the reduced load of flushing its quite a bit louder. I never run the flush very long to prevent damage...
  5. Josh Budde

    2016 Scarab 195 HOI Water in Ski Locker

    Hi all, Here in SoCal a few lakes near me have this Quaggi Muscle inspection and the boat must be 100% Dry (Not even 1 drop of water) or I get quarantined from those lakes for 7 days. What I found out is that water is getting trapped between the ski locker and bilge pump area. How do I get...
  6. soundshark

    Which cover is the easiest to put on in-water?

    I have this deja-vu that I asked this before but couldn't find anything... Currently, I only have the shipping cover. And it's a pain to put on when the boat is docked. The main pain is fitting the rear corners - extremely tight. Is the mooring cover easier to put on? Or is there another type...