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2018's ARE HERE!!!

...and a top speed of 42mph. Still gonna take a hard look at one, but I'm certainly not as excited as I was.

The low top speed is because it has TR-1 engines.
I explained that to @swatski a while back using the 2 tie rods of my magnum a k system you could angle either nozzle inward toward the other to cross the jet thrust and create a wake but he felt it was too much air in the wake and since I do not wake surf I listen to the people who do. So I didn't give it any more thought but it appears that they are doing something similar.

I love my A K system. If these nozzles are angled inward, I don't think the A K (or any other steering assist) will work.
Surf point is certainly an interesting idea, but seems to be poor execution. Sounds like you are always sacrificing some thrust (and acceleration and top speed) for a better wake.
The low top speed is because it has TR-1 engines.

The engines are the same on the 242 Limited S E-Series and the 242x, right? Are these the TR-1 engines?
The engines are the same on the 242 Limited S E-Series and the 242x, right? Are these the TR-1 engines?

Nope. All 24' boats use the 1.8L engines.
Don't worry we will still have a Wake Wedge for the 2018 also. :D:D:D
To me it would seem to make more sense having the "surf nozzles" electronically controlled and only allow the surf side nozzle to move inward rather than both aim inward. Thinking if one was aimed in and the other straight it would give the inward wash more room to go to the other side or at a minimum not have to fight against the other nozzle jet wash that's pointing inward.
...and a top speed of 42mph. Still gonna take a hard look at one, but I'm certainly not as excited as I was.

Where do you see the top speed listed?
The 24 footer colors have a lot to be desired. Not a fan there.
Love the new 21fsh
The low top speed is because it has TR-1 engines.
I believe this is all in reference to the new 21 FSH. The video says it has twins, but only 42 MPH top end.
What was done was one side was angled in toward the other and that was straight it was done by one of my customers who sent me a picture of the wake and it looked pretty good to me so I sent it to @swatski who did not think it was a real good wake . I would think that the angle would be similar to ballast and only used for the sport then reset for regular use I believe the extra fins helped to form the wake also but I never actually perused it so who knows .
Really odd color choices. If I was upgrading, it would be a 212LS. Unfortunately I would be looking at used boats because these just don't look good. People dropping $50,000 plus don't want "gimmick" colors. They want classy or sporty, but for sure want a scheme that will age well. I don't get it...
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The biggest thing I want more info on is this:
Those TR1 engines are a deal breaker. In my opinion very underpowered for a boat. The 1.8 is an incredible power plant.
The video states that surf point is always active. Makes me think for cost sake they just permanently angled both jets inward. No added cost for hydraulics, plumbing, wiring, controls, etc.