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2018's ARE HERE!!!

Finally chartplotter in connext. I like the new Bimini sunroof seems like something useful. I don't surf so that stuff wouldn't matter to me. 68k for limited S e series is getting awfully high. I'm liking the new features every year but it's a much higher price than the 47k I paid for 2012. I'm still holding out for a 26 footer with twin SVHO. I really want throttle by wire though my throttles suck.
The video states that surf point is always active. Makes me think for cost sake they just permanently angled both jets inward. No added cost for hydraulics, plumbing, wiring, controls, etc.

That may work well enough for my crew. But its not worth a patent!
I just wonder if it's a nozzle replacement or motor/ drive placement
Finally chartplotter in connext. I like the new Bimini sunroof seems like something useful. I don't surf so that stuff wouldn't matter to me. 68k for limited S e series is getting awfully high. I'm liking the new features every year but it's a much higher price than the 47k I paid for 2012. I'm still holding out for a 26 footer with twin SVHO. I really want throttle by wire though my throttles suck.

The throttle by wire works very well on my 2016. Its great.
I like the new Bimini tops. Much cleaner without all that hardware above it. Not sure I need the sunroof.
Surf point sounds dumb and fuel intensive! why they need a patent may become obvious when people in this group start testing the boats in water and have feedback I trust, but until then it does not make sense to me.
Yeah, we were talking about the Wake boats.

That being said, 42mph is plenty fast on a center console fishing boat. Its not a bass boat.

Speak for yourself there. Besides, it's not a fishing boat, it's a "Family Sport Hybrid" :P

I really don't fish, I just love the CC layout. Biggest gripe with mine now is the size and speed. Was hoping they'd cure both of those for me. Maybe one will suffice, maybe I'll look elsewhere. Maybe I'll be content with what I got. There's certainly alot I do love about the new boat.

Did anyone cross to Bimini with TR1's this year?
can someone point me to where I can read the differences in the TR1 and 1.8s? or explain it real quick? I realize the TR1s have less power, but what else is there?
No replacement for displacement
@Eric Ballard, the TR-1 is a lighter weight, lower emission, likely lower cost replacement for the non HO MR-1. I was excited when Yamaha marketed it as having more power and lighter weight than the MR-1 only to later realize they meant compared to the down tuned MR-1 used in 210s not the 160 HP HOs that I know.

The TR-1 is perhaps 120 HP.
I love my Yamaha, but if you are getting to $75K for a Yamaha "surf" boat then I would pony up some more and get the real deal IMO.
Anyone else think that red tower will be faded to pink in 5 years?
Sounds like the Surf Pointe is nozzles permanently angled inward by a small percentage. We're going to be investigating aggressively to ensure the Thrust Vectors and Lateral Thrusters will still work with this new feature.

From my initial analysis the Lateral Thrusters will work even better with Surf Pointe because the increased inboard angle will increase the amount of flow entering the inlet. More flow means more thrust! We'll find out soon enough.
What was done was one side was angled in toward the other and that was straight it was done by one of my customers who sent me a picture of the wake and it looked pretty good to me so I sent it to @swatski who did not think it was a real good wake . I would think that the angle would be similar to ballast and only used for the sport then reset for regular use I believe the extra fins helped to form the wake also but I never actually perused it so who knows .
I'm just now starting to read, unless this new system is remote controlled don't really see how would the "Surf Point" differ from Jeff's Cobra AKs with the second rod. Jeff's rod already has a turnbuckle I think - to make adjustments.
And yes, this is one of the suggestions from Jeff some time ago. It could be good. Would be easy to try. A cheapo 2016 AR240 with boatload of mods will be coming up on the used market pretty soon for anyone who wants to try it, lol.

The video states that surf point is always active. Makes me think for cost sake they just permanently angled both jets inward. No added cost for hydraulics, plumbing, wiring, controls, etc.
Yeah, and makes me think again that the patent office will allow you to patent pretty much anything, no matter how stupid the concept is when it comes to 'uniqueness'.

If it was something that you could activate with a switch, I'd get it. But permanently? Unless I'm mistaken, the steering cables for each nozzle for all boats are individually adjustable (They certainly are on my 2012 - 3-2 of the service manual. If not that would be easy to do!) So, unless there are additional revisions (nozzle shape, for example), then WTF? Anyone can replicate this new 'feature' with a wrench and a couple of minutes.

It's like letting a car manufacturer patent a certain toe-in angle for front end alignment.
Surf point sounds dumb and fuel intensive! why they need a patent may become obvious when people in this group start testing the boats in water and have feedback I trust, but until then it does not make sense to me.
I agree. However, surprisingly enough, I don't recall anyone here actually testing the idea - essentially a toe-in setting of the twin jet pump. Should be very easy to test in principle - especially with @Cobra Jet Steering LLC AK system using the second rod - those already have small turnbuckles for adjustments without the need to mess with the steering cables, I think.

Given this has not been tested, anything is possible. The top speed may be lower or higher and so could be fuel efficiency, I think. I have learned that most things about these jet pump systems are kind of entirely empirical - very hard to predict (without getting your hands wet).

To try to get rid of some of the non-responsiveness between 10 and 2 at the wheel I experimented with toeing in, toeing out, etc. Toeing in made the responsiveness a little worse. Toe out seemed a little better than parallel. When it's toed in you have to move the wheel more to get the boat to initiate a turn. In the end I returned the nozzles to parallel and put fins back on.
I need to learn more about the 210 FSH but my 212x may be in need of a new home soon....