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2018's ARE HERE!!!

How are they getting the AR240's to go over 55? My 2016 max is 51.
"Twin 1.8 liter High Output Yamaha Marine engines provide the power to go from zero-to-30 in under 4 seconds, with a top-end speed of over 55 miles-per-hour".
I don't get why they are putting every control on a touchscreen, especially control for your ballast. If you were loaded with ballast and your screen took a dump how would you unload the ballast? If I had a touchscreen that controlled the ballast I would be adding override switches to the ballast pumps. Now Yamaha are calling their X series "wake boats", but they aren't. The 24' boat is in the price range of a true wake boat, but they still can't produce a decent wake factory stock. If they wanted to produce a true wake boat they need to build a boat from scratch and not try and take an existing boat and make it a wake boat.
So, let me get this straight - Surfpoint is simply the nozzles permanently angled inward? Are they going to get a patent for that?

I'm not surprised considering they apparently patented their "articulating keel" just a few years ago which from my perspective is just a keel and rudder both of which have been around for centuries.

How is this different from the adjustable trim that has been used on PWCs for decades? On my waverunner the nozzle can be angled in one of three positions and on my old Seadoos the nozzle could be set at any angle within the mechanical range. If I am reading the other responses correctly the nozzle is also angled inward or outward (horizontally), maybe that's what makes it unique.
Is there anything else different on the Limited S for 18 other than the color-matched tower and the larger screen?
How are they getting the AR240's to go over 55? My 2016 max is 51.
"Twin 1.8 liter High Output Yamaha Marine engines provide the power to go from zero-to-30 in under 4 seconds, with a top-end speed of over 55 miles-per-hour".
Lot of wind and current. I thought I topped out at 54, was playing with my dash and saw 53 the high.
The 24 footer colors have a lot to be desired. Not a fan there.
Love the new 21fsh
I so agree. Not a fan of that color schemes either. Black AR 240? Way to hot for all that.
Also looks like they put the transom remote back on the bottom platform just like the 2016s?
Looks like the 242x now has chart plotting capabilities. :winkingthumbsup"
I so agree. Not a fan of that color schemes either. Black AR 240? Way to hot for all that.
Also looks like they put the transom remote back on the bottom platform just like the 2016s?
What's wrong with black? ;)

The only thing that I wish I held out for is the wetsounds stereo system and the upgraded Connext screen.
I so agree. Not a fan of that color schemes either. Black AR 240? Way to hot for all that.
Also looks like they put the transom remote back on the bottom platform just like the 2016s?

They seem to have taken some steps back from where in 2016 they took some steps forward.
More press: http://www.boattest.com/review/yamaha/3695_210-fsh

Note: Boattest is solidly in the "advertorial" space, but typically has a lot of good data, too

I recently realized that boattest charges now for access to a lot of their "reviews" (maybe they always have and I didn't notice). Hopefully not many consumers have been swindled, but if I ever need to know where someone would like to see a grab handle placed, I know they have the "review" I can trust.
Anyone on the inside confirmed they sealed the anchor locker drains?
Really like the look of the Black Red White 242X E series with Black and Red Tower. Bad to the bone. Wish I had an extra 75k burning a hole in my pocket!
I feel black boats can get very hot here in the south.
They seem to have taken some steps back from where in 2016 they took some steps forward.
I agree. To be honest, I really like the color scheme of my AR240 now and it will take a good scheme for me to change my mind lol. But I do have to say I love the 2015 AR240 and 2017 AR240 Space blues. My favorite color.
I wonder what the cost to the general public is between the TR-1 and the 1.8L engines. Also I'm curious what is the weight difference with the 2 engines are? Just seems silly to not put the 1.8 in the new 21' FSH. I can't imagine the cost difference would be crazy, but I could be wrong.