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2020 FSH Shore Land’r Trailer loading issues

Hey 210 FSH owners. Anyone having issues with the boat shifting after loading and laying on the port side fender?

The boat loads nice on the trailer, has an even gap over both fenders after pulling it out of the water. The boat seems to settle while driving and rests on that port fender.

You can see it resting on the fender after trailering:

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Anyone else experiencing this? What was the fix? My dealer says they have never had any issues with these trailers since it’s self leveling.
My boat Does’s the same thing but it comes out of the water that way. It has to be from the extra weight of the batteries and the driver. It doesn’t help that there is less than 1/2” of clearance above both fenders when loaded perfectly centered either. My plan is to add some 1/2” risers under the bunks between the bracket and the bunk, that will give me more clearance and should solve the problem.
I'm a newbie and have only had this thing off/on the trailer a few times, but same issue. The first time, I backed back into the water, straightened it up and it was fine. Second time, didn't do that and it's touching again. I think the back of the boat is still buoyant as we are pulling up the ramp and it's shifting some. Next time, I'm going to try and keep more of the forward bunk out of the water as we load the boat to see if the bunks help keep it straight. Also thought of some guide posts, but will keep at it and figure it out.
So this weekend I loaded with the back wheel wells level with the waterline and after power loading on the trailer I stood up on the starboard gunnel and gave a little bounce. Could feel the boat shift. When I came out of the water it was perfect! I put the straps on, then drove an hour and a half and when I got home the boat was back on the port wheel well. It would drive me to drinking if I wasn't already there.
Maybe on the 2020 the banks aren’t spaced correctly. On the 2018 I’ve never had an issue with it and I never unload my boat at the ramp I’ll run it up but all kinds of crap in it.
The straps in the sternum should be tight but do not crank them down you are literally shoving the bunks into the fiberglass on your boat they should just hold it there there should not be tremendous tension on it
My boat does the same thing when trailored. I thought i may have pulled it up slightly off center. I will keep a close i next time i do the tailor. will be next month
My boat does the same thing when trailored. I thought i may have pulled it up slightly off center. I will keep a close i next time i do the tailor. will be next month

Anyone have any updates on their trailer issues or fixes? Mine did it again this past weekend. I haven’t had the chance to take it to my dealer 3 hours away yet. My dealer insists there should be anything wrong with the trailer since they haven’t had any issues like this in the last 15 years of selling them.
So my 2020 FSH has been doing the same thing, what I'm doing now is backing the trailer so that the rear fender is just below the surface of the water. I power on the boat, but not all the way to the roller. Then I bounce up and down on the starboard gunnel, I can feel and hear the boat shift on the bunks. Then I exit the front and winch the boat on the rest of the way.

I have a theory that if I move the aft port bunk on the trailer 1 slot farther out, that it'll hit the strake of the port side and center up better by raising the port side a little, although it might be too much, which would require ripping the bunk and recarpeting, or just making a new bunk mounted offset by a quarter inch or so. Its on the list but not so urgent since the loading procedure seems to be working.
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I assume you can’t move the bunks in closer to the center line to increase the gap between the hull and the fender. Can you add spacers/washers between the bunks and their trailer mounts To raise the the height of the bunks or add another bunk over/under the existing one(s)?
mine does this too. comes out of the water fine but after trailering a few yards it settles on the port side (left wheel fender). I've made the tie down straps insanely tight and it still moves so since it doesn't appear to be doing any damage and my drive to storage is just a few miles I'm not too concerned.
mine does this too. comes out of the water fine but after trailering a few yards it settles on the port side (left wheel fender). I've made the tie down straps insanely tight and it still moves so since it doesn't appear to be doing any damage and my drive to storage is just a few miles I'm not too concerned.

These trailers should be self leveling so something is off a bit it seems. I’m glad I’m not the only one! I reached out to Shore Land’r yesterday. They put me in touch with the guy who handles the boat/trailer setups. I left him a message so I’ll let him know I’m not the only one.

Is everyone having issues with the 2020 FSH 210 or other years/models?
I normally don't have any issues. The boat has always been slightly lower on one side, but not touching the fender.
I have noticed, if I load at an uneven ramp, the boat loads lopsided. I then move to a different location on the ramp put it back in the water and pull it out. That seems to level it back out.
I've found the boat will load evenly if the livewell is full. My boat and I think all 210FSH models have a list to the port side if the livewell is not full. That being said I had an occasion when I loaded the boat on the trailer without the livewell being full, jacked the boat while on the trailer to adjust back to center and noticed that directly on the starbord bunk sits the livewell through-hull intake fitting, I'm thinking that can't possibly be a good thing.


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I try to have someone stay in the boat and sit on the starboard side of the boat. This normally solves the problem. I tried filling the live well, yes it works but a pain. My 190 did it as well. Same issues with my new 210. It normally levels itself out after hitting a couple bumps in the road.
has anyone come up with a solution to repair the issue? Thanks!
The only solution I could come up with was adding a set oh bunks right in the middle and possibly pushing the others out a bit and raising them. The problem is the boat is fairly light and has a shallow deadrise. Therefore it lacks the weight to self correct itself. That's why once you drive down the road and hit a few bumps it tends to self adjust. Maybe as easy as installing something like this on the trailer?


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thank you. I have it at a shop. will see if they have any other suggestions

Hey 210 FSH owners. Anyone having issues with the boat shifting after loading and laying on the port side fender?

The boat loads nice on the trailer, has an even gap over both fenders after pulling it out of the water. The boat seems to settle while driving and rests on that port fender.

You can see it resting on the fender after trailering:

Anyone else experiencing this? What was the fix? My dealer says they have never had any issues with these trailers since it’s self leveling.

Here are my thoughts. Perhaps my experience is also in play here...

My Shorlander was well made, but they put cheap Chinese tires and wheels on it. My boat was incessantly bouncy while trailering due to two of the tires being majorly out of round. If I did not tighten the transom ratchets all the way down tight, it would shift on the bunks no doubt.

I had the Yamaha dealer and tire shop try and balance the tires, but it was impossible to get in spec. Did the best they could...

To test and see if this might be contributing to your problem, jack up one trailer wheel at a time and spin it while watching the tread. You will quickly be able to see if its dead on, a 1/16th off or a 1/4 inch like mine was.
thank you. I have it at a shop. will see if they have any other suggestions


Did you get any more info from the shop yet Doug? I’m heading to the dealership this week or next to winterize.

Just a question for all you guys with this trailer. Does the bow stop/winch move fore and aft with no load on it? Like my Mfi used to. Or, Is it rigid with no movement. Just trying to rule out the boat settling in a different spot, forward, due to bow stop movement, while going down the road which will have the appearence of the tie downs loosening. Our boats are notorious for shifting on MFI trailers without the bow stop being thru bolted or welded.
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