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Any lawyers in here?


Jet Boat Addict
Reaction score
Orlando, FL
Boat Make
Boat Model
242 Limited S E-Series
Boat Length
By the looks of the forums, I am one of the many many people having problems with the connext screens. My touchscreen has completely failed and I know there are other issues with them freezing, completely dying, etc. This sure seems to me to be an issue with quality and something that should be addressed by the manufacturer. I am out of warranty and there is not a chance in hell I am going to pay 10 grand for a replacement screen with technology from two decades ago. Is this something that would elevate to the level of a class action lawsuit? I hear about them being filed all the time but have no clue what is involved. Just wondering if we have any recourse from crappy manufacturing.
Did you turn off the batteries before hooking them up? does a 2017 have dsvr thingus?
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My personal issue is delamination. Top half of the screen was working and then got worse and worse. I've been limping by with the joystick and praying I could find a used one somewhere. All while the price of the replacement screen went to $2000 to $10000 for some reason.
My new 12.3" Connext screen was ordered in October of 2023 (under warranty) and just came in last week - just about 15 months for delivery. I'm hoping this one lasts until I'm done with this boat - fingers crossed.
I dont know why the price has gone so high. What will be the big problem is Yamaha tends to discontinue parts very early. Roughly around the 10 to 12 year mark, so what happens then when the rest of the boat is good but the eletronics are toast