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AR195 HELP!!!

Anyone else think it's weird that all day I hear my bilge pump whine? Should it be running all day?
So ... my dealer told me we don't need to turn our bilge on. It is auto sensing and will run if it contacts water. I read the manual and it states turn it on when you are on the water. One would think all of them were auto sensing as it will only run when it needs to unless the main power switch is flipped off. We probably need to do a test with a garden hose to see if it will run on its own or if the console switch needs to be on. I see no need for a console switch unless you want to force it to run all the time.
So ... my dealer told me we don't need to turn our bilge on. It is auto sensing and will run if it contacts water. I read the manual and it states turn it on when you are on the water. One would think all of them were auto sensing as it will only run when it needs to unless the main power switch is flipped off. We probably need to do a test with a garden hose to see if it will run on its own or if the console switch needs to be on. I see no need for a console switch unless you want to force it to run all the time.
A test would be a good idea to confirm. But most likley, Yamaha just hasn't updated the owners manual to reflect the change in how the bilge operates.
So ... my dealer told me we don't need to turn our bilge on. It is auto sensing and will run if it contacts water. I read the manual and it states turn it on when you are on the water. One would think all of them were auto sensing as it will only run when it needs to unless the main power switch is flipped off. We probably need to do a test with a garden hose to see if it will run on its own or if the console switch needs to be on. I see no need for a console switch unless you want to force it to run all the time.

Should I just do it in my garage? I don't have a good Hill where I can get a hose to reach
I took my pump apart from the boys to tray and it still spins, so it didn't burn up after hours of being on manually.
There's also a little button you can press for 5 sec to see if it's running propelly.
So this thread won't be updated for awhile. It's just way to nice right now to give my boat to the dealer for 3-5 days for wet carpet. I'm going to deal with this in the winter.
So this thread won't be updated for awhile. It's just way to nice right now to give my boat to the dealer for 3-5 days for wet carpet. I'm going to deal with this in the winter.

Similar issue in my 2018 SX195, except only on the Starboard side and only in the very rear of the of the rear storage locker. The carpet is "wet" but not soaked. Still trying to hunt down the source but I'm definitely leaning towards the rub rail somewhere on that side of the boat. All other compartments are dry including ski locker, port side locker and engine bay.

I boat in salt water and I am very thorough about flushing/washing/cleaning the entire boat/trailer with freshwater when I get home after each use and I haven't noticed any salt residue on the carpet in the locker from drying out. My logic says then it also gets wet when I wash/flush which points to swim platform/rub rails are likely the source.

Its very minor dampness, but no odor issues or impact to anything. I keep most of my storage items in locking Tupperware storage boxes for water intrusion reasons as is (and OCD organization). When I get the time at the end of the season I plan on trying to hunt it down a bit more so I will keep you posted. Let me know how you make out on your end as well.
So yet another strange thing happened yesterday. I was really anticipating a shit ton of water being on the carpet especially getting the new fatsac swim deck ballast. Also expected to have a lot of water coming out of the bilge plugs. Well I had almost no water on the carpet and zero water out of the plugs. I swear ever since I forgot to put the plugs in and the bilge pumped out all that water I haven't had water issues. I feel like I had a bad seal on the plugs due to a dirty bilge area.
Well heck that is great news!

FWIW.... I did test that bilge pump switch and when it is turned on at the console it runs constantly. For the last two outings I left the bilge turned off and I didn't have any water in there. I have no idea if it would run on its own or not though. Someone else will need to confirm that.
So after a large amount of water entering the bilge area after a long day of wake surfing I decided I should start the process by sealing the clean out port tray. I know it's leaking from the rub rails and the transom cleats because it only leaks when we surf with the ballast putting the corner of swim deck under water. And the rear storage locker carpet gets wet at the very back.
What I found in the bilge area was crazy. Way to go Yamaha with quality control. I would call them but what's the difference, they obv know and don't give a fuck.
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I've sprayed out my engine compartment and bilge (under the rear cover) 3 times so far and I still get crap like that coming out. After the first time seeing these shavings I've begun putting a bucket underneath it to catch it all since I have kids, etc. out there and I don't want any feet getting cut up. Crazy.
Anything I should seal in the bilge area while I have access to it.
@Arcadyus did you ever end up sealing the rub rail?