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AR220 VS 2007 AR230


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I'm curious if anyone is familiar with both boats and can compare the size difference. It seems to me the new larger 220s are not far off in size.

They both have 10 person capacity. I'm most curious about the hull and big water handling. My boat spends most of it's time in Lake Superior and I was warned to get a 23 or 24 foot and not a 21 foot. If I upgrade, a 220 is lot less money than a 250, but I want to make sure it's going to be decent on the big lake like the 230.
if I remember correctly the old 21's were the same bottom size, the 23' had a bigger top half,

I wouldn't put to much into what someone "warns" you about, do they know Yamaha's ? plenty of people will warn you not to buy a "jet" boat,

if your ar230 handles the water fine, I'd take a test drive on a 220 and you should be able to get a good feeling for what it can do,
The bigger difference is the space inside the boat. The old generation 210/230 had a much narrower bow space. This made the 230/240/242 very similar from the windshield back, but the bow had much more space in the 240/242 hull.

That was also the case when the 210 was revamped to the wide bow and now the 220 series takes that and makes it longer. The biggest difference here again is now the stern has the squared off seating, which will seem like much more room than even our 240/242 series boats, which are rounded on the swimdeck.

So the 230 was 22' 11", the 240/242 was 23' 7", all of them had the 8'6" beam. But the bow was the big change.

The new 220 series boats are like 22" on the nose, but that space if very well utilized. And you do go to the more powerful 1.8ltr engines, which the 230's did not have, but the 240/242's do.

It's a close comparison. If this was just a comparison between the 220/230, the choice should be a 220, unless you find a smokin deal on a 230. A 240/242 would be a great option as well, but folks think they are gold, and you have some nice technology upgrades with the newer 220 series.

Good luck!
Thanks for the good information....I currently own the AR230...just tempted by the new 2023 boats. They look so good.

I hear the newer boats have much less engine noise as well.
Thanks for the good information....I currently own the AR230...just tempted by the new 2023 boats. They look so good.

I hear the newer boats have much less engine noise as well.
Good point on the noise. It's just not enough goodness to sway me away from my 242. That and a good installation of Kilmat has helped us greatly.

Those swim up seats are what I want most since moving to the lake few years ago. We don't have a beach on our lake, so we all sit in 15' of water in party coves. So they would be ideal. It's swim saddles for us until this boat market settles down.
I just completely soundproofed my engine hood with a layer of dynamax extreme and a layer of dynamax hoodliner. If it worked well I'll probably do more.
I’ve heard from several that went from a 230 series to 240 series and they have told me the hulls are not as thick and have more flex in them. They feel that the 230 series was just a more solid boat. Not saying that the newer boats aren’t up to the task but it’s just what I’ve heard from others that have had the two.
Saw this pic from Will Owen. older 230sx vs new 222 boat
AR222 vs SX230.jpg