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    free hit counter


lol, nice. Very portable entertainment you have there.
Since it's a yammie it has to count.
2012 Cannondale high mod super six carbon fiber frameset, kysrium elite wheels, carbon fiber specialized sworks seat, carbon fiber FSA elite seat post, carbon fiber FSA SLK crankset, Shimano ultegra groupset. 15 lb curb weight. Top speed: 55 mph (downhill). The propulsion system is not pictured because it/I need a tune up ;). Ok perhaps the wrong kind of bike but it is a sweet ride IMO, costs as much as the ones with motors, and I am boatless right now as I sold my 97 seadoo 1800 and am awaiting delivery of my 16 242 LS. The upside to being boatless right now is I have more time on the bike so I hopfully won't look as bad on the new boat:Dimage.jpeg
Just picked up my first bike! 2016 HD Street Bob! Can't wait to get it this weekend.
After 22 years, got the bike itch again...........2015 FJ-09 leftover.
Didn't get a good pic yet but I just got my new baby today!
Ah got to take a few pics today by the water with my Dad! image.jpegimage.jpeg
My 2 babies well 3 of ya count the ski
2014 Suzuki DRZ400 super moto( punched to a 440) and a 2009 Yamaha FZ1

Alright @haknslash I'm going to get my self a bike to super moto out what are your thoughts on the DRZ and the KTM you had?
Alright @haknslash I'm going to get my self a bike to super moto out what are your thoughts on the DRZ and the KTM you had?
I’ve had both, DRZ many years ago, and have several KYM’s. DRZ is much more economical and less maintenance and a great entry level to experienced level SM bike. KTMs are more expensive to purchase and much less forgiving maintaince wise but higher performance fun factor. This my 3rd KTM, current bike Super Duke 1290.


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I’ve had both, DRZ many years ago, and have several KYM’s. DRZ is much more economical and less maintenance and a great entry level to experienced level SM bike. KTMs are more expensive to purchase and much less forgiving maintaince wise but higher performance fun factor. This my 3rd KTM, current bike Super Duke 1290.

Thanks @Rod5 I realize there is a major service interval difference between the two especially with the KTM needing valve checks more often. My current bike is a Ducati 848 EVO so I'm no stranger to the higher cost of ownership so my question would be is the higher cost of owner ship worth to go with the KTM 530 EXC over a DRZ 400? I really do not ride a ton but want to have fun while I'm out there and these super motos look like a blast to have. I have owned many street bikes over the years and doing 100 mph + isn't really my thing anymore but being able to hit the road straight hooligan style and turn right off and hit a trail for the hell of it does sound fun.
@robert843 KTM all the way unless you're looking for a no frills, heavier but lower maintenance super moto then get the DRZ. Working in a KTM dirt bike is nothing crazy. I actually enjoyed it but understand that it's a race engine compared to a more docile DRZ 400 engine. If you're familiar with tinkering with stuff it is not a bad bike at all to own. It is put together very well. All of the high performance dirt bikes require frequent maintence so it's really no different. If you're looking for performance the KTM is literally light years ahead in tech and you can certainly feel it when riding it! The DRZ will feel heavy and porky by comparison but also much more forgiving of a ride and overall ownership (maintenance). If I could go back in time and do it all over again I would go KTM all day. Loved my 530 EXC.... A LOT! If you plan to do any length of real dirt riding the KTM won't wear you out in the tight stuff like the DRZ will.


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My wife's HD Street 750 and my HD FXDR 1850. This was getting ready for our Christmas ride.... 36°F.20181219_104203.jpg
Ha based on your riding experience and bench work experience 530 exc hands down. But I take it you’d be putting on SM wheels or sticking with it as a dual sport (on road/ off road)? It will take true SM wheels and breaks to corner like a sport bike.
@robert843 I've been threatening to get a KTM Enduro for a while now. The Honda Africa Twin also looks pretty interesting, don't know if you've checked those out yet? I traded in my Harley on the boat, so now I'm down to only having the VFR 800. lol