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Booster Ball + Jetboat ?

I use one when I tow from the lower tow point ( 3-4 person tubes ), however I don't use it when I'm towing from the tower with the lighter tubes. I think it works well. It doesn't reduce spray to the riders, but it does make it easier to swing them around because it keeps the tow line from dragging in the water as much.
I could never see myself paying anything for another thing to blow up and deal with. I gave my tube to my dad when my kids started kneeboarding.

To get a tube outside the wake, try decreasing radius turns with increasing throttle. Buy the time you are competing a near u turn they should be way outside the wake. If your nice you can pause for a bit and let them come closer to center. If you want to launch them, immediately repeat the procedure on the opposite direction.

If you have "that guy" that says you'll never never toss me off, then do that procedure, starting around 40mph, with a full circle, ending at full turn and full throttle. They will fly, then cartwheel across the water. If they can fly a tube airborne for more than 2 seconds they are straight pro!
We have one and I never use it.