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Building my own jet boat.


Perhaps you could consider picking up an older jetski / personal watercraft? Since you have the fishing boat already covered, perhaps you might enjoy the freedom and speed of jet power in a ready-made form. You could use the components from the donor jetski when finished using it.

You might find that pre-packaged solution to be a less cost alternative than building your own setup... something to think about.


Definitely, I am already looking for "wrecked" jetski, with only huls broken.
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Biggest issue you will have honestly will be finding and purchasing your engine and pump. Get that and we're getting somewhere.

I am already looking for jetski's, haven't found one here in Holland yet. I think I will keep looking daily at the same time I design the boat.
Welcome @Ricardo van Oudenhoven to JB.net. Good luck with your project, keep us posted along the way. I love your ambition.
Looking good man!
Impressive. Is aluminium still the plan? Gonna weld the whole thing? Or some other way? What is the plan to seal it?
Impressive. Is aluminium still the plan? Gonna weld the whole thing? Or some other way? What is the plan to seal it?
Aluminium is still the plan, I have a friend who invested in a aluminium ....(cutting, bending, welding, etc) company, will go there to see how much it will cost if I want them to cut it, bend it and maybe weld it. If this doesn't work out welding is still the plan.
Awesome job man!
Lofting is the hardest part, after that takes a lot of patience. If u grow impatient with the jet option I bet a 30-50 hp outboard would be wicked on that thing and you can trim it up in the shallows.
I don't know your experience with welding. I have almost none. The little bit I have done has been aluminum, which turned out very poorly. Apparently it is some of the toughest stuff to weld (I am told). So, not to discourage you at all, but you might want to practice on some sample pieces or take a class in it (if you haven't already) before you get to the real thing.
I don't know your experience with welding. I have almost none. The little bit I have done has been aluminum, which turned out very poorly. Apparently it is some of the toughest stuff to weld (I am told). So, not to discourage you at all, but you might want to practice on some sample pieces or take a class in it (if you haven't already) before you get to the real thing.

Yeah, I was thinking the same thing.
Awesome job man!
Lofting is the hardest part, after that takes a lot of patience. If u grow impatient with the jet option I bet a 30-50 hp outboard would be wicked on that thing and you can trim it up in the shallows.

Yeah, definitely, I like to think I have a lot of patience, but I will keep it in mind if my patience runs out.
So the plan is,

I will first need to find a jetski, as then I can complete my drawings. I will first need everything prepared before I even start cutting the aluminium, as space in Holland is extremely expensive and can't have a boat hull in the living room. I estimated the price I would eventually pay, and it is 4062 euros, excluding cutting, welding and bending the aluminium. However, I chose the more expensive option for all and rounded everything up, so if everything goes perfectly well it will cost less, but that hardly ever happens. It will probably take a while before I evens start building.
So it turns out I didn't make the design correctly. On the bottom it's sort o twisted, and I can't get the aluminium plates twisted, so I need to make a new design.... Including the 2d design... Which took me for ever...
Improved jet boat-1.PNG Improved jet boat-2.PNG Finished the improved 3d design a lot quicker than I thought, now need to make everything 2d, this will take quite a long time.
Cut in cardboard first!
...but don't put the cardboard one in the water...
...but don't put the cardboard one in the water...
Well, you know, you gotta weight test it right? Lol!

Make a to scale one like 4:1 scale or something out of cardboard. Much cheaper than aluminum if u make a mistake!
Well, you know, you gotta weight test it right? Lol!

Make a to scale one like 4:1 scale or something out of cardboard. Much cheaper than aluminum if u make a mistake!

Yeah, will do, might even make it 1:1 scale if possible.
So, I found out that you aren't aloud to have a boat that can go faster than 13 km/h when you are younger than 16, and then when your 16 and older you are only aloud to be able to go 20 km/h. When your 18 and older you can get a license, this would allow you to be able to go as fast as you want. This being said, if you get caught with a boat that can go faster than 13 or 20 the police can take your boat from you and then auction it... The jet boat would ideally go a lot faster than this, so it would be illegal for me to have it, until I turn 18 and get a license. So I will probably have to wait a few years before I start building..... In the mean time I will save up money so that when the time comes I can actually buy the things I need. I do apologize for making this thread now, a few years to early...