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Building my own jet boat.

Wow! Tough regulations.....can't you use a governor to keep your speed to a legal limit?
I like what @Murf'n'surf is saying. It could be as simple as a threaded bolt that would mechanically limit the throttle. However, with jet boats throttle/rpm don't directly correlate to speed, especially if it gets up on plane. But I think it would still be plowing at 13 km/h.
Wow! Tough regulations.....can't you use a governor to keep your speed to a legal limit?
The problem with this is that if you use a governor you have to have proof in form of paper signed by a boat shop stating that they did it and how much the boat can go then. It's nearly impossible, if not impossible, to get this for either an inboard motor or jetski motor... However, this would work with an outboard motor. I should've said this before, but I already have a boat, small aluminium boat with an outboard. So I don't have a need for another boat with an outboard.
Well, that gives you the time to source the engine and pump and adapt your boat size and plans to the that and redesign. Then you have a year building and decking it out really nice.
That does give you plenty of time to get everything right on the boat, find parts, redesign whatever you want, etc. After all, the regulation says you can't float the boat, but that doesn't mean you can't have it. Even if you have the boat early you can have someone older test drive it, etc. to get it done. Then it will be all ready to float when you get your license.
Amigo, sou brasileiro! Quero fazer um mini jetboat como o seu! Você pode me enviar o projeto em cad arquivo, por favor!