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Bullet Lines Wakesurf Rack

Bill D

Jetboaters Admiral
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Prairieville, LA
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Got my new double wake surf rack from Bullet Lines today. Overall, it seems like a great rack at a very attractive price. Cost was about $250 with the swivel mount. It's really well built and fits my boards well. The only thing I'm disappointed in is that I failed to order the quick release version for $50 more.

I'll post some more pictures when I get it installed.

@Bill D I was just looking at these last night...how ironic :D

Which model did you go with? I got confused on there with all the different boat specific models they had. I want to find a black swivel mount in the same price range. What does the quick release do differently?
Here is a link to the one that I purchased in 2 3/8" with the rotating swivel mount so the rack can swing around into the boat. I didn't even see the model specific section until after I purchased. The quick release should allow the rack part to separate from the mount by just unscrewing a hand nut and not requiring tools like the one I ordered would. Both of the Aerial model racks I have are quick release so I didn't even think about looking for it when I ordered. Not a huge deal, but still not ideal.

Since my tower measures in between 1 7/8" and 2" which one do I round up or down to (I'm guessing it comes with a rubber piece)? I suppose I could try to send it through our powdercoat booth at work to make it black or some plastidip lol.

Is this the right one for $350 with quick connect mount? https://www.bulletlines.com/surf-board-and-wake-board-rack-p/1011.htm
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My feeling there is that your tower is actually 1 7/8" with about 1/16" of powder. I suspect that it doesn't matter which one you order... The 2 3/8" that I ordered actually measures 2 1/2" ID of the clamp and came with two rubber bushings. One larger and one smaller.

The rack that I ordered was the double wake surf, the one you linked is 2x wakeboard and 1x surf. But the quick release looks right. In the one picture you can see the big nut in the middle of the backplane.
Damn I didn't even realize the middle rack like a blind bat :pompus:. I figured triple combo meant rack + swivel + quick release :D
Hey guys. Check out EBay for these. Same seller but I have seen the same racks priced cheaper on EBay.
I looked on Ebay and couldn't find a listing for one with the swivel mount. If that doesn't matter, they are cheaper and they offer free shipping though Ebay.
Any pics of them mounted yet @Bill D ? Boards fit good?
Kryptwakeboardtowers is the seller. They just don't have all the items available on EBay but I think I saved $10 per rack for the 3 I have purchased by going through eBay. Certainly something to compare.
I looked on Ebay and couldn't find a listing for one with the swivel mount. If that doesn't matter, they are cheaper and they offer free shipping though Ebay.
Yeah, they don't have a lot on EBay so it is hit or miss. I wonder if calling them on the other items and asking for a discount if they would do it. Maybe just reference a comparable EBay discount on another rack.
Any pics of them mounted yet @Bill D ? Boards fit good?

Not yet. I had Nichole hold the rack so I could test the fit of the boards, but she said something about killing me if I posted a picture... Both of my boards fit good and I don't think there will be any problem with the length of the fingers. The only thing I'll have to be aware of is that the bigger board takes some tension of the strap off the smaller one. I'll get it mounted this weekend and snap some pics.
Uh oh she's in some of my vids so do I need to worry about my safety now? :D :D
I think I found mine for the best price on their website. I sent a couple of emails to determine the correct rack for my boat. They were quick to respond. Also look for the 3% discount link on their website. Happy surfing.
Any updates on these racks? @haknslash? @Bill D ? I was given a wakeskate yesterday by a neighbor who sold his boat. My wife bought me a wakesurf board for Christmas 2016 and it hasn't been to the lake for lack of room, and last but not least I have my original (now vintage) 1992 Liquid Force wakeboard. I'd like to get one to hold the surfboard and wake board outside of the boat and be able to easily get to it.
I bought 1 of these as well. so far so good. Only been out with it once so far, but the boards didn’t move at all really. Still trying to learn to trust them though. I got the double surf, swivel and quick release. I feel like the size might be a hair big. My Liquid Force Fish (2016 model) and the Zup both fit fine, but do have room to wiggle.

Also, in an email they told me that even though their website lists about 8 different sizes, they only come in 3, and you get spacers. So get the closest one to your size on the big side.
Good info. Im pretty sure my 190 has 1 7/8" tubing
From Ken at Bullet Lines

“WE make our clamps in 2”, 2.5” and 3”. We use rubber collar inserts for all other sizes.. Use the thickest insert in the box”
Just please make sure you get some that swivel! For your convenience and everyone else who may tie up with you.

So....Is the quick release rotating swivel rack going to allow me to swing the boards inboard to attach them and retrieve them or is that something totally different?