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Bullet Lines Wakesurf Rack

The swivel is what swings the boards in. It isn’t a complete 180 spin though. Mine spins about 135 degrees ish??

So, if rack is facing straight out away from boat, 90 degrees would point the rack straight to the rear, plus another 30-45 degrees toward the inside of the boat. If that makes sense?

The quick release part is a bolt with a rubberized knob that attaches the fork to the swivel base. You can get the quick release without the swivel. But, in practice, you wouldn’t use it that way unless you were standing on the dock.

So far, I don’t really see why I need the quick release. I’ll rotate the rack then take the boards off and just leave the rack where it is. But it’s cheap enough to add, might as well get it while you’re at it.
Just keep in mind every swivel or quick release mechanism will add weak points, with heavy boards and/or rough weather that can be an issue... Yamaha new OEM racks are super pricey but swivel 180deg and are very sturdy. Not perfect but close.

For those of us who put the tower down after every outing would you need take it off? Or is the swivel sufficient?
I have an after market tower that is outside my windshield, so can’t really answer that question.

I can take a pic tomorrow, if I remember, so you can see how much the mount sticks out when swiveled. If I’m thinking right, you may need to take the forks off but leave the mount on. In that case, the quick release option would be important.
A few pics of the swivel and mount.

4E432078-97E0-47B4-8B31-A074DD090560.jpeg 9C5D3165-C5DA-4C22-87B4-6610D8F43D94.jpeg 03D712AF-FA2B-4BF9-B1B9-569BCBCDAAFB.jpeg A2B11F41-AD72-4D04-8E55-7F05DC40A731.jpeg 66FD5B99-B467-473F-89CC-63E21208408D.jpeg
That helps a lot. thanks for pics
I ordered the Bullet Lines Wakesurf Rack but when I place the wakesurfers in the rack they are loose. I thought I ordered the one for surfboards by mistake but its too small for my surfboard. Is this the normal fit?

This is what I ordered is this confusing or what...

Double Surf Tower Rack. Quality polished/black aluminum double surfboard rack with rubber bumper inserts for board protection. This board rack holds 2 x Surfboards. The finger opening is 2.25". The clamp will mount at different angles on the backplate to mount on wakeboard tower tubing at any angle. This rack has a bungie cord that holds boards in the fingers. Features

  • Tower Clamp Size Available: 1 1/4", 1 1/2", 1 5/8", 1 3/4", 1 7/8", 2", 2 1/4", 2 3/8", 2 1/2"
  • Holds 2 x wakesurf boards
  • Polished Billet Aluminum/Black Powder Coat
  • Angle mount that can be adjusted 360 degrees
  • Fits both vertical and horizontal tower bars at virtually any angle
  • Bungee cord for secure board fit
  • Soft rubber inserts for secure tight board protection
  • Gets your board off your floor
  • Secures 2 surfboards
I have the polished aluminum version and can fit my Fish in the rack but have to wrap the cord around the tower a few times to keep it tight.
yea..I bought the wrong rack its for surfboards the wakesurfer rack is 1 7/8" this is 2 1/4" wide.