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Different take on how to create a better surf wave

Yamaha must be like ...ok for 2020 we gota make a boat that fits 10. Does 55.7 mph with no decals makes a wake like a curl that you can hang ten on fit in a garage and towable with a prius.
Ready Go.
The Wakesurf Edge guys (https://www.wakesurfedge.com/) said they're working on a "jet boat" version of their device. I IM'd with them in August to verify and they did say they're working on it. Fingers crossed.

Has anyone mastered the art of securing ballast bags to the rear swim platforms or selected a bag that works better than others?

I was considering an upgrade to a surf boat, but don't want to lose everything I love about my Yamaha. So, I'm probably going to upgrade to a 2018 242X e-series and try to combine factory ballast with additional ballast and @jcyamaharider said he's got a simple upgrade to move my wedge from my 2014 to the 2018. Here's hoping something interesting and new shows up at the boat shows this winter.
The Wakesurf Edge guys (https://www.wakesurfedge.com/) said they're working on a "jet boat" version of their device. I IM'd with them in August to verify and they did say they're working on it. Fingers crossed.

Has anyone mastered the art of securing ballast bags to the rear swim platforms or selected a bag that works better than others?

I was considering an upgrade to a surf boat, but don't want to lose everything I love about my Yamaha. So, I'm probably going to upgrade to a 2018 242X e-series and try to combine factory ballast with additional ballast and @jcyamaharider said he's got a simple upgrade to move my wedge from my 2014 to the 2018. Here's hoping something interesting and new shows up at the boat shows this winter.

I can tell you right now any wedge on the side of the boat isn't going to do anything. And IF you can get a wedge with enough surface area to do something, then by the time you add ballast the force will be too great and cause your boat to turn thus forcing you to counter steer throwing all the jet wash over the wave.
I can tell you right now any wedge on the side of the boat isn't going to do anything. And IF you can get a wedge with enough surface area to do something, then by the time you add ballast the force will be too great and cause your boat to turn thus forcing you to counter steer throwing all the jet wash over the wave
I agree, wake boats have several fins to enable them to track straight and not be pulled sideways. Our boats do not have this feature. Any wegde added to the side will push the stern of the boat sidways. I made my own wedge 3 years ago it works fantastic. I plan on experimenting with different shapes and sizes next summer to see if i can make it even better.
I can tell you right now any wedge on the side of the boat isn't going to do anything. And IF you can get a wedge with enough surface area to do something, then by the time you add ballast the force will be too great and cause your boat to turn thus forcing you to counter steer throwing all the jet wash over the wave.

I agree, wake boats have several fins to enable them to track straight and not be pulled sideways. Our boats do not have this feature. Any wegde added to the side will push the stern of the boat sidways. I made my own wedge 3 years ago it works fantastic. I plan on experimenting with different shapes and sizes next summer to see if i can make it even better.

Exactly right. That is also why my little "beast" tab (post 31 here?) attachment failed - it mounted to the non-surf side, it was very capable of inducing delayed convergence but would drag the boat to that side forcing steering adjustment that compromise the wake.

My next move will be in trying to deflect the water, along the lines of Yamaha SurfPoint and Scarab Surf Tab.
