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Dont tempt me, lol.... that's phase 4, but that was not one I wanted....my preference was to only have a single set of towers since I have hit my head already and dont wakeboard or need it to project that far...that being said I was supposed to stop at phase 2 with the towers, so never say never....but thats NOT the plan....Fiance has been surprisingly supportive of the upgrade, BUT did mention no more towers...so this was my compromise, lol

With this much surface area (20% over 6.5s), better speaker, tweeter, etc and double the power fingers crossed I should be smiling.

Ordering the starboard spacers and the other vents I need.

Should have it all installed round 3rd week of the month. Cant wait!

A few years back when I had my 2011 242LS I now believe I heard a guy with either M770s or M880s...needless to say you don't need a tower to own a cove with those...wasnt a Yamaha...but even with HLCD towers and a ported 15, he EASILY shut me and the guy next to me down and it wasnt even close.

I agree with Adrianp89. You should get the second pair of 880 towers... just do it...lol
I’m sure your fiancé won’t mind...:winkingthumbsup"