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Dock system opinions needed. . . .

Which Dock system do you prefer?

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The current configuration can handle a 3-4 ft vertical rise and a 4-5 ft fall. I designed the standoff poles to be adjustable. . . .so with a minor modification I can extend them and it would be able to handle an additional 2-3 foot drop (while possible, it's not likely)
Looks expensive
Especially if the wife is not cool with it.
My wife has all the bumpers I will ever need. . . . ;)
I purchased an EZ Dock #3 floating lift for my new Yamaha FX SHO. After the first year I developed a hole in the hull right where the rollers met the hull. The Waverunner sank in the lake and the dealer thought the craft was totaled. Unfortunately the insurance company forced them to repair it. I traded it in for a new FX SHO.

Guess what!

My new Waverunner developed a hole in the hull right where the rollers touched the hull. I found the hole while it was sinking in the middle of the lake again.
Again the insurance company repaired the craft.
So now I'm checking the hull ever time I remove the PWC off the EZ Dock. After a few months the hull started breaking down again. I brought it back to the fiberglass repair company and he shows me the starboard and port side are breaking down.
I had both sides of the hull repaired. And purchased a brand new Shore Station boat lift for my Waverunner.
Has anyone else had a similar situation? EZ Dock sent someone to look at the dock and said its not there problem."

That sucks. . . . but honestly sounds more like a problem with the hull than the dock. I have had the EZ Dock for 2 full seasons and have been very satisfied overall with the quality, durability, modularity, and ease of assembly. I would have to highly recommend the docks themselves, though I have no experience with the pull on ports, other then the one I traded for a credit on the setup I have.

I purchased an EZ Dock #3 floating lift for my new Yamaha FX SHO. After the first year I developed a hole in the hull right where the rollers met the hull. The Waverunner sank in the lake and the dealer thought the craft was totaled. Unfortunately the insurance company forced them to repair it. I traded it in for a new FX SHO.

Guess what!

My new Waverunner developed a hole in the hull right where the rollers touched the hull. I found the hole while it was sinking in the middle of the lake again.
Again the insurance company repaired the craft.
So now I'm checking the hull ever time I remove the PWC off the EZ Dock. After a few months the hull started breaking down again. I brought it back to the fiberglass repair company and he shows me the starboard and port side are breaking down.
I had both sides of the hull repaired. And purchased a brand new Shore Station boat lift for my Waverunner.
Has anyone else had a similar situation? EZ Dock sent someone to look at the dock and said its not there problem."

I thought it might have been a defect with the hull. That's why I traded it in And bought a brand new Yamaha FX SHO Cruiser a second time. When the hull broke down again I knew it wasn't a problem with the PWC. And I don't think it was operator error. I would drive it up to the dock and put it in reverse to stop and gently put the bow into the V of the dock. Then give just enough throttle to put it on the platform. Interesting to get some feedback from other forums. Others are telling me of similar issues. Time to call my lawyer
The new ski hulls have gotten thinner and thinner in recent years primarily for weight reduction. I have a buddy who was trailering his SeaDoo, and had it secured on the trailer. After about a 30mile trip he cracked the hull through where the trailer pad met the bottom. It was covered under warranty because the hull was not as thick as it should have been.

Out of curiosity, is there a lot of wake/motion where you dock?

I thought it might have been a defect with the hull. That's why I traded it in And bought a brand new Yamaha FX SHO Cruiser a second time. When the hull broke down again I knew it wasn't a problem with the PWC. And I don't think it was operator error. I would drive it up to the dock and put it in reverse to stop and gently put the bow into the V of the dock. Then give just enough throttle to put it on the platform. Interesting to get some feedback from other forums. Others are telling me of similar issues. Time to call my lawyer
Added an additional section this year which gave me the ability to also add an additional standoff pole. This has increased the stability a bunch on what was already a very stable platform.
