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Dock system opinions needed. . . .

Which Dock system do you prefer?

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Funny, I literally just wrapped up the cleanup. . . . .20140607_204528.jpg
There will be more pics tomorrow. . . .hopefully with the boat in them
@0627Devildog ... that is sweet!! How long from to start to finish in getting it in the water?? Something like that surely comes with cup holders? :)
@0627Devildog ... that is sweet!! How long from to start to finish in getting it in the water?? Something like that surely comes with cup holders? :)

Well. . . .Considering the fact that this was the initial install and I have a difficult shoreline, my numbers may not be typical. But it took the entire day. About 12 hours total from mounting the shoreline brackets, fashioning the standoff poles, winching the dock sections in to the water, and connecting it all. Today I will be working on cross cabling stabilization before I hook the boat up to it.

More detailed pics to follow tonight.
20140608_121329.jpg 20140608_121450.jpg 20140608_142812.jpg 20140608_192437.jpg 20140608_194945.jpg More detailed pics with different perspectives. Very stable platform. So far so good.
Looks great. Are you happy with the results?

This is the first time I've seen "No Step" on the shipping cover....

All the new ones on the dealer lot appear to have it. . . . . Can't imagine there would be anyone stupid enough to step on a cover. But then again. . . . .

As far as whether or not I am happy, once I get back there next weekend and it is still in the same shape that I left it in I will let you know. = )

But so far, so good.
Wow! You put in some work on that dock...looks great!! Will you be allowed to leave the anchor points on the shoreline?
Thanks. . . it was quite a bit of work. But in the end nothing like having your own dock and your own boat at the back of your house. As far as the anchor points on the shoreline considering they don't want deadweight anchors or mooring blocks that is really the only option. As far as it being "allowed" only time will tell. ; )
20140623_201833.jpg Now that the boat and the dock are in the water we had to rebuild/support/secure the deck leading to the dock to ensure everyone's safety. Almost done w/railings and spindles.

Edited: to fix picture error
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Do you hire out?? If so, I have free room and board on a very nice lake!!

That looks really great!!
Here is a shot from the newly repositioned security cam. . . .Screenshot_2014-06-25-13-38-05.png
Do you hire out?? If so, I have free room and board on a very nice lake!!

That looks really great!!

Why thank you sir. While I would not mind hiring out, I doubt you (or anyone) could afford what my wife would want for me to leave her alone with my 2 boys under 5. . . . .
Guns are EVIL. I would never own one. ;)
20140627_202630.jpg 20140628_101137.jpg 20140628_110244.jpg 20140628_145118.jpg 20140628_145052.jpg Gangway railing installation.
Would have been sooner if not for all the injury time outs ; )

From where it is now I can go up 3-4 vertical feet max. I can go down 4-5.
You have done quite the job! This looks awesome!