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Dock system opinions needed. . . .

Which Dock system do you prefer?

  • Total voters
You'd have been right if you based that on the intent of my original post. . . . . But now I am grasping at straws for any opinion at all. :winkingthumbsup"
My vote....stick with a solid company, unless you are willing to deal with any headaches that might be involved with a start up. Sometimes that works well...especially if they are close to you and interested in giving you a little more "love"....
My vote....stick with a solid company, unless you are willing to deal with any headaches that might be involved with a start up. Sometimes that works well...especially if they are close to you and interested in giving you a little more "love"....
Julian's advice is so sound !!!!! Whether you are looking at a Dock, or a Lift, or whatever, the Relationship & the REPUTATION outweigh everything else. I have some fairly vast experience watching peoples deal with companies who don't measure up on those 2 items here @ Lake Oconee. Wait'll you have a problem and they either take MONTHS to "fix it" (Sometimes not even well) or tell you basically to take a hike.
So what do you do ? Ask for references and call and talk in detail to at least 3 customers.
Good Luck to you in this endeavor. Mikey Lulejian - Lake Oconee, GA
Well if any opinion will do then I will chime in. I would lean towards the EZ Dock. I looked at the links you posted and EZ Dock seems like the only one that has a boat lift. You already had one and are still considering EZ Dock it so I assume you were happy with it. In fact, could you expand the one that you are selling to accommodate the new boat?
Actually, I got the EZ-Dock with my previous boat but never used it. The only "experience" I have with it was standing on it when I launched the Sea-Doo for sea trial prior to purchase, shore hauling it once I bought it, and putting it in its current resting place.

Additionally, I believe the boat lift I have currently can only accommodate up to a 19ft boat even with the ext. pieces so it won't work for my AR240 otherwise I would definitely go the EZ Dock route.

Which coincidentally is the way I am leaning at the moment anyway. . . . . I found a reputable place (http://www.seamansonline.com) that was recommended by the Service Manager at Rusty Palmers (who I trust immensely) and I am currently awaking a quote.
Screen Shot 2014-04-02 at 11.22.32 PM.png
The top and middle images are designs based on the EZ dock system. The bottom image was me playing with the Boat Port pieces to see what would work for future expansion. We are leaning towards the middle image at the moment.
@0627Devildog ... so you would leave you boat in the water for the boating season and not use some type of lift or boat floater? Is the only difference between the top figure and the middle figure is that the top one has a bigger landing area off the end of the ramp??
@Jim Robeson - I am in freshwater, so I would be fine with shore hauling every few weeks to clean her up nice. The difference between the top and middle is the walkway out to the end. The 2 sections in the middle are either 120" x 40" or 120" x 60". I am in the process of gaining approval for these docks which are technically not supposed to be over 48" wide per the permit guidelines. We want 60" wide for stability sake, but may have to live with 40" wide based on what the licensing authority dictates.
I don't mean to sabotage your thread here.... but wondered if anyone has seen this beauty I spotted yesterday. We have a gradual sloped sand beach leading to sandy bottom Lake Erie. The ice would crush these dock designs in the winter. In the summer, I'm going to investigate this little beauty. We will be mooring the NEW boat in front of the beach house. Yes, fully exposed.


  • boat dock.jpg
    boat dock.jpg
    98 KB · Views: 48
I don't mean to sabotage your thread here.... but wondered if anyone has seen this beauty I spotted yesterday. We have a gradual sloped sand beach leading to sandy bottom Lake Erie. The ice would crush these dock designs in the winter. In the summer, I'm going to investigate this little beauty. We will be mooring the NEW boat in front of the beach house. Yes, fully exposed.

Ok. . .

1. I wouldn't considered a post re: docking solutions hi-jacking
2. That thing looks AWESOME
3. Unfortunately, even IF it was cost effective. . . It would not work for my location
So, I finally pulled the trigger on a dock system, and decided to go with EZ-Dock. The modular design, resale value, durability, and seemingly endless availability of parts and configurations were the main reasons why. I will be setting them up in the middle configuration once my hand heals.


They will be secured to the shoreline by mounting the brackets pictures into the bedrock at the shore. Then there will be 2" galv stand off pipes inserted into these brackets and connected to the docks.


I will let you know how they all set up and function once installed.
Delivery day. . . . .20140527_125734.jpg
Worked Flawlessly. . . .
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