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Google Street View


Jetboaters Fleet Admiral 1*
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Northern Vermont Lake Champlain
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Don't use this app if you come up my way. It will send you up a 4 wheeler trail to the neighboring town and get you stuck. I know because I have pulled 3 vehicles off that trail with my tractor. The last one was an older couple from Virginia in a brand new Suburban trying to come over from Stowe to pick blueberries. No way a tow truck could have gotten to them.

Google has it all messed up...1st, my road is called Hardscrabble rd. not Devon rd. Devino rd. is a side street, 100yds. up the road. 2nd, my street number is 313 at this barn not 292. All addresses on that side of street are odd numbered. 3rd, the photo is at least 8 years old and does not show the arena, out there by the orange tractor and the white sheep.

P.S. If you ever come to visit...get your directions from me.
Screenshot_20181109-062619_Street View.jpg
Old photo that does not show the arena built 8 years ago.
Screenshot_20181109-062835_Street View.jpg
This is current
But that what you get when you live up on a hill in the woods.
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