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Got a new toy on the way!!


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Rosebud, Mo
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242X E-Series
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Yep, decided it was time for me to have my own board that only I use. The wife has her own board and the other board is a community board that everyone uses to either start off surfing on or what not. Went Phase 5 Carbon fiber this time around!! Can't wait to get it!!


I need to either get a larger board and fix my wake or just fix my wake (waiting and hoping that maybe someone will come out with a easily swappable regular/goofy wedge). The one I have rides people up to about 160# easily ropeless, but 185-200# it's much more difficult to keep ropeless and you absolutely have to be turning when they weigh that much without a wedge. This is what I have right now, I was actually thinking about getting a phase5... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009X0H74K?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage

maybe now I will, since the jetboat-wake-surfing subject matter expert is going that way ;-).
Hopefully I get to ride it since I damaged my Shred Stix that my husband so happily fixed without being mad at me ! Those phase 5 boards are expensive it was hard for him to choose what style. Fingers crossed that it's everything he hopes it is !
This is one awesome board!!! I think the box and the protective wrapping weighed more then the board does. I can't wait until this weekend so I can try out this beast!

You had better give a full report when you give it a ride! Haven't heard much about Phase 5 boards...
I need to either get a larger board and fix my wake or just fix my wake (waiting and hoping that maybe someone will come out with a easily swappable regular/goofy wedge). The one I have rides people up to about 160# easily ropeless, but 185-200# it's much more difficult to keep ropeless and you absolutely have to be turning when they weigh that much without a wedge. This is what I have right now, I was actually thinking about getting a phase5... http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B009X0H74K?psc=1&redirect=true&ref_=oh_aui_search_detailpage

maybe now I will, since the jetboat-wake-surfing subject matter expert is going that way ;-).
@sysinu they do make an easy quick change goofy wake wedge. It is called a second one.
You had better give a full report when you give it a ride! Haven't heard much about Phase 5 boards...

Well, I can already tell you a few things I love about the board and what I look for in a board. The center section has the arch support which, to me, is a huge comfort thing on a board. Makes you feel so comfortable while riding and helps me find my center balance. The edges of the traction are also raised to position you more to where you should be on the board. The traction mat itself is soft diamond shape, very comfortable. That is just what I see now. When I ride it I will give a better report.
So getting to ride the board I have a little more likes/dislikes about it. The board is super fast and very smooth. I was up on it with no problem but when I would put a little bit of pressure on the nose, down you go. Also the one inch fin that comes with it is VERY loose. Uncontrollable loose for me. I order a new 2" fin which should take care of that problem. Other then that I love the board, I just need to ride it more to get used to it.
Yes it was very smooth, it just glided across the water but the nose wanted to turn to the left with that tiny ass fin . I'm no pro so I need something to help keep it under control can't wait to try the new fin :p
More traction!!! Old fin verses new fin.
